Vitamin C Its Chemistry and Biochemistry

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Authors of: Vitamin C Its Chemistry and Biochemistry
MichaeL B. Davies
John Austin
David A. Partridge
Table of Contents in Vitamin C Its Chemistry and Biochemistry
Foreword by Professor M. Stacey CBE, FRS
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
History of Vitamin C and Its Role in the Prevention and Cure of Scurvy
Suggested Causes of Scurvy
James Lind
Sir Gilbert Blane
Scurvy on Land
Exploration of the Arctic and Antarctic
Scurvy in Children
The Events Leading up to the Discovery of Vitamin C
Chapter 3
Discovery and Structure of Vitamin C
Structure Elucidation
Structural Detail by Instrumental Methods
Chapter 4
Synthesis, Manufacture, and Further Chemistry of Vitamin C
Synthetic Methods for L-Ascorbic Acid
Further Chemistry of L-Ascorbic Acid
Dehydroascorbic Acid and its Derivatives
Chapter 5
Biochemistry of Vitamin C
Biosyn thesis
Vitamin C in Food
Oxidation and Hydroxylation
Reducing Properties
Electron Transport
Tissue Location
Intake, Excretion, and Catabolism
Chapter 6
Medical Aspects of Vitamin C
Maintenance of Health
Therapeutic Use
Toxic Effects
Veterinary Use
Chapter 7
Inorganic and Analytical Aspects of Vitamin C Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Redox Reactions of Vitamin C
Ascorbate Oxidase
Subject Index
This comprehensive work, explored in meticulous detail by renowned experts, delves into the multifaceted realm of Vitamin C – a crucial component for human health. The foreword, authored by Professor M. Stacey CBE, FRS, sets the stage for a profound journey into the history, discovery, synthesis, biochemistry, medical aspects, and analytical facets of this essential vitamin.
Chapter 1 provides an insightful introduction, laying the groundwork for an in-depth exploration that follows. Chapter 2 unravels the historical narrative of Vitamin C, tracing its roots back to the prevention and cure of scurvy. From the groundbreaking work of James Lind to the exploration of the Arctic and Antarctic, the chapter navigates through the events that led to the discovery of Vitamin C, shedding light on its role in combating scurvy on land and in children.
In Chapter 3, the focus shifts to the discovery and structure of Vitamin C. The isolation process, structural elucidation, and a detailed examination of the molecular composition are scrutinized. Chapter 4 delves into the synthesis, manufacture, and further chemistry of Vitamin C, exploring synthetic methods, additional chemistry of L-ascorbic acid, and derivatives such as dehydroascorbic acid.
The intricate biochemistry of Vitamin C is unravelled in Chapter 5, covering biosynthesis, its presence in food, oxidation, reducing properties, electron transport, tissue location, and aspects related to intake, excretion, and catabolism. Chapter 6 shifts the spotlight onto the medical aspects of Vitamin C, discussing deficiency, the role in maintaining health, therapeutic uses, potential toxic effects, and its application in veterinary practices.
Chapter 7 extends the exploration to inorganic and analytical aspects of Vitamin C chemistry. Analytical chemistry methods, inorganic chemistry considerations, and redox reactions of Vitamin C are dissected, with a specific focus on ascorbate oxidase. The book culminates with a comprehensive bibliography and a subject index, providing a valuable resource for scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts in the field.
In essence, this book transcends the conventional boundaries of a scientific exploration, offering a holistic understanding of Vitamin C from its historical significance to its molecular intricacies, medical applications, and analytical considerations. Whether one seeks a historical perspective or a cutting-edge analysis, this book serves as an indispensable guide to the multifaceted world of Vitamin C and its profound impact on human health.
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