Organic Synthesis the Disconnection Approach 2nd Edition by Stuart Warren (very informative)

Free download Organic Synthesis the Disconnection Approach 2nd Edition by Stuart Warren
Authors of: Organic Synthesis the Disconnection Approach 2nd Edition
Stuart Warren
Paul Wyatt
Table of Contents in Organic Synthesis The Disconnection Approach 2nd Edition by Stuart Warren
General References
1. The Disconnection Approach
- Basic Principles: Synthons and Reagents Synthesis of Aromatic Compounds
- Strategy I: The Order of Events
- One-Group C-X Disconnections
- Strategy II: Chemoselectivity
- Two-Group C-X Disconnections
- Strategy III: Reversal of Polarity, Cyclisations, Summary of Strategy
- Amine Synthesis
- Strategy IV: Protecting Groups
- One Group C-C Disconnections I: Alcohols
- General Strategy A: Choosing a Disconnection
- Strategy V: Stereoselectivity A
- One Group C-C Disconnections II: Carbonyl Compounds
- Strategy VI: Regioselectivity
- Alkene Synthesis
- Strategy VII: Use of Acetylenes (Alkynes)
- Two-Group C-C Disconnections I: Diels-Alder Reactions
- Strategy VIII: Introduction to Carbonyl Condensations
- Two-Group C-C Disconnections II: 1,3-Difunctionalised Compounds
- Strategy IX: Control in Carbonyl Condensations
- Two-Group C-C Disconnections III: 1,5-Difunctionalised Compounds
Conjugate (Michael) Addition and Robinson Annelation - Strategy X: Aliphatic Nitro Compounds in Synthesis
- Two-Group Disconnections IV: 1,2-Difunctionalised Compounds
- Strategy XI: Radical Reactions in Synthesis
- Two-Group Disconnections V: 1,4-Difunctionalised Compounds
- Strategy XII: Reconnection
- Two-Group C-C Disconnections VI: 1,6-diCarbonyl Compounds
- General Strategy B: Strategy of Carbonyl Disconnections
- Strategy XIII: Introduction to Ring Synthesis: Saturated Heterocycles
- Three-Membered Rings
- Strategy XIV: Rearrangements in Synthesis
- Four-Membered Rings: Photochemistry in Synthesis
- Strategy XV: The Use of Ketenes in Synthesis
- Five-Membered Rings
- Strategy XVI: Pericyclic Reactions in Synthesis: Special Methods for Five-Membered Rings
- Six-Membered Rings
- General Strategy C: Strategy of Ring Synthesis
- Strategy XVII: Stereoselectivity B
- Aromatic Heterocycles
- General Strategy D: Advanced Strategy
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