Name Reactions by Jie Jack Li Third Expanded Edition
Free Download Name Reactions by Jie Jack Li Third Expanded Edition
Name Reactions
A Collection of Detailed Reaction Mechanisms
Jie Jack Li
Pfizer Global Research and Development Chemistry Department
Confucius said: “Reviewing old knowledge while learning new-old knowledge, is that not, after all, a pleasure?” Indeed, name reactions are not only the fruit of pioneering organic chemists but also our contemporaries whose combined discoveries have resulted in organic chemistry today. Since the publication of this book,
Barry Sharpless and Ryoji Noyori, whose name reactions have been included since the first edition, went on to win the Nobel Prizes in 2001. Recently, Richard Schrock, Robert Grubbs, and Yves Chauvin shared the 2005 Nobel Prize in chemistry for their contributions to metathesis, a name reaction that has been also included
since the first edition. Therefore, I intend to keep up with the new developments in the field of organic chemistry while retaining the collection of name reactions that have withheld the test of time. The third edition contains major improvements over the previous two editions. I have updated references. Each reaction is now supplemented with two to three representative examples in synthesis to showcase its synthetic utility. As Emil Fischer stated: “Science is not an abstraction, but as a product of human endeavor it is inseparably bound up in its development with the personalities and fortunes of those who dedicate themselves to it.” To that end, I added biographical sketches for most of the chemists who discovered or developed those name reactions. Furthermore, I have significantly beefed up the subject index to help the reader navigate the book more easily. In preparing this manuscript, I have incurred many debts of gratitude to Prof. Reto Mueller of Switzerland, Prof. Robin Ferrier of New Zealand, and Prof. James M. Cook of the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Dr. Yike Ni of California Institute of Technology, and Dr. Shengping Zheng of Columbia University for invaluable suggestions. I also wish to thank Dr. Gilles Chambournier, Prof. Phil S.
Baran of Scripps Research Institute and his students, Narendra Ambhaikar, Ben Hafensteiner, Carlos Guerrero, and Dan O’Malley, Prof. Brian M. Stoltz of California Institute of Technology and his students, Kevin Allan, Daniel Caspi, David
Ebner, Andrew Harned, Shyam Krishnan, Michael Krout, Qi Charles Liu, Sandy Ma, Justin Mohr, John Phillips, Jennifer Roizen, Brinton Seashore-Ludlow, Nathaniel Sherden, Jennifer Stockdill, and Carolyn Woodroofe for proofreading the final draft of the manuscript. Their knowledge and time have tremendously enhanced the quality of this book. Any remaining errors are, of course, solely my own responsibility.
I welcome your critique.
Jack Li
Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 2006
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