Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry by John McMurry 7th Edition

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Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
John McMurry
Cornell University
Preface to the edition
Organic chemistry is changing rapidly. From its early days dealing primarily with soaps and dyes, organic chemistry has moved to center stage in many fields, from molecular biology to medicine and from agriculture to advanced electronics. Today’s organic chemists are learning new languages—particularly those of medicine and molecular biology—to shape the world we live in, and practitioners in many other fields are finding themselves having to learn something about organic chemistry. More than ever before, a fundamental understanding of organic chemistry is critical to addressing complex, interdisciplinary problems. This seventh edition of Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry addresses some of the changes that are occurring by placing a greater emphasis on the applications of organic chemistry, especially applications to medicine and agriculture. Many new examples of biological organic reactions have been added in this edition; Interlude boxes at the end of each chapter are rich in the chemistry of drugs and agrochemicals; and problem categories such as “In the Field” and “In the Medicine Cabinet” reinforce the emphasis on applications.
This book is written for a one-semester course in organic chemistry, where the content must be comprehensive but to the point. Only those topics needed for a brief course are covered, yet the important pedagogical tools commonly found in larger books are also maintained. In this seventh edition, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry continues its clear explanations, thought-provoking examples and problems, and the trademark vertical format for explaining
reaction mechanisms. The primary organization of this book is by functional group, beginning with the simple (alkanes) and progressing to the more complex. Within the primary organization, there is also an emphasis on explaining the fundamental mechanistic similarities of reactions and several chapters even have a dual title: Chapter 7 (Organohalides: Nucleophilic Substitutions and Eliminations), Chapter 9 (Aldehydes and Ketones: Nucleophilic Addition Reactions),
and Chapter 10 (Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives: Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Reactions), for instance. Through this approach, memorization is minimized and understanding is maximized. The first six editions of this text were widely regarded as the clearest and most readable treatments of introductory organic chemistry available. I hope you will find that this seventh edition of Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry builds on the strengths of the first six and serves students even better. I have made every effort to make this seventh edition as effective, clear, and readable as possible; to show the beauty, logic, and relevance of organic chemistry; and to make the subject interesting to learn. I welcome all comments on this new edition as well as recommendations for future editions.
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