Fundamentals of Photochemistry by K K Rohatgi Mukherjee (informative)
Free download Fundamentals of Photochemistry by K K Rohatgi Mukherjee
Revised Edition
Authors of: Fundamentals of Photochemistry by K K Rohatgi Mukherjee
K K Rohatgi Mukherjee
Table of Contents in Fundamentals of Photochemistry by K K Rohatgi Mukherjee
1. Introducing Photochemistry
1.1 Importance of photochemistry
1.2 Laws of photochemistry
1.3 Photochemistry and spectroscopy
1.4 Units and dimensions
1.5 Thermal emission and photoluminescence
2. Nature of Light and Nature of Matter
2.1 Interaction between light and matter
2.2 Wave nature of radiation
2.3 Particle nature of radiation
2.4 Dual nature of matter
2.5 Electronic energy states of atoms
2.6 The selection rule
2.7 Diatomic and polyatomic molecules
2.8 Spectroscopic terms for electronic states
2.9 Orbital symmetry and molecular symmetry
2.10 Notation for excited states of organic molecules
2.11 Energy levels for inorganic complexes
3. Mechanism of Absorption and Emission of Radiation
of Photochemical Interest
3.1 Electric dipole transitions
3.2 Einstein’s treatment of absorption and emission phenomena
3.3 Time-dependent Schrodinger equation
3.4 Time-dependent perturbation theory
3.5 Correlation with experimental quantities
3.6 Intensity of electronic transitions
3.7 The rules governing the transition between two energy states
3.8 Directional nature of light absorption
3.9 Life times of excited’electronic states of atoms and molecules
3.10 Types of electronic transitions in organic molecules
3.11 Two-photon absorption spectroscopy
4. Physical Properties of the Electronically Excited Molecules
4.1 Nature of changes on electronic excitation
4.2 Electronic, vibrational and rotational energies
4.3 Potential energy diagram
4.4 Shapes of absorption band and Franck-Condon principle
4.5 Emission spectra
4.6 Environmental effect on absorption and emission spectra
4.7 Excited state dipole moment
4.8 Excited state acidity constants-pK* values
4.9 Excited state redox potential
4.10 Emission of polarized luminescence
4.11 Geometry of some electronically excited molecules
4.12 Wigner’s spin conservation rule
4.13 Study of excited states by Rash photolysis experiments and laser beams
5. Photophysical Processes in Electronically Excited Molecules
5.1 Types of photophysical pathways
5.2 Radiationless transition-internal conversion and intersystem crossing
5.3 Fluorescence emission
5.4 Fluorescence and structur
5.5 Triplet states and phosphorescence emission
5.6 Emission property and the electronic configuration
5.7 Photophysical kinetics of unimolecular processes
5.8 State diagrams
5.9 Delayed fluorescence
5.10 The effect of temperature on emission processes
6. Photophysical Kinetics of Bimolecular Processes
6.1 Kinetic collisions and optical collision
6.2 Bimolecular collisions in gases and vapours and the mechanism of fluorescence quenching
6.3 Collisions in solution
6.4 Kinetics of collisional quenching: Stern-Volmer equation
6.5 Concentration dependence of quenching and excimer formation
6.6 Quenching by foreign substances
7. Photochemical Primary Processes
7.1 Classification of photochemical reactions
7.2 Rate constants and lifetimes of reactive energy states
7.3 Effect of light intensity on the rate of photochemical reactions
7.4 Types of photochemical reactions
8. Some Aspects of Organic and Inorganic Photochemistry
8.1 Photoreduction and related reactions
8.2 Photooxidation and photooxygenation
8.3 Cycloaddition reactions
8.4 Woodward-Hoffman rule of electrocyclic reactions
8.5 Chemiluminescence
8.6 Transition metal complexes
9. Some Current Topics in Photochemistry
9.1 Origin of life
9.2 Mutagenic effect of radiation
9.3 Photosynthesis
9.4 Photoelectrochemistry of excited state redox reaction
9.5 Solar energy conversion and storage
10. Tools and Techniques
10.1 Light sources and their standardization
10.2 Measurement of emission characteristics: fluorescence, phosphorescence and chemiluminescence
10.3 Techniques for study of transient species in photochemical reactions
10.4 Lasers in photochemical kinetics
11. Case History of a Photochemical Reaction
11.1 Photochemical reaction between anthracene and carbon tetrachloride
11.2 Determination of quantum yields of reaction
11.3 Mechanistic deductions from the experimental observations on photoreaction
11.4 Reaction of anthracene with other halogenated solvents
11.5 Reactivity of carbon tetrachloride with substituted anthracenes
11.6 Fluorescence quenching of anthracene by CCI,
11.7 Photoreactive state of anthracene
11.8 Mechanism of photoperoxidation
Appendix I: Mathematical equation for the combination of
two plane polarized radiation
Appendix 11: Low temperature glasses
Appendix IU: photokinetic scheme for determination of
quantum yields
File Size: 22.6 MB. Pages: 190 Please read Disclaimer.
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