Inorganic Chemistry by Instant Notes 2nd Edition (Informative)

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Inorganic Chemistry by Instant Notes 2nd Edition (Informative)

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2nd Edition

Authors of: Inorganic Chemistry by Instant Notes 2nd Edition

P. A. Cox


Table of Contents in Inorganic Chemistry by Instant Notes 2nd Edition




Section A—

Atomic structure

A1 The nuclear atom

A2 Atomic orbitals

A3 Many-electron atoms

A4 The periodic table

A5 Trends in atomic properties


Section B—

Introduction to inorganic substances

B1 Electronegativity and bond type

B2 Chemical periodicity

B3 Stability and reactivity

B4 Oxidation and reduction

B5 Describing inorganic compounds

B6 Inorganic reactions and synthesis

B7 Methods of characterization


Section C—

Structure and bonding in molecules

C1 Electron pair bonds

C2 Molecular shapes: VSEPR

C3 Molecular symmetry and point groups

C4 Molecular orbitals: homonuclear diatomics

C5 Molecular orbitals: heteronuclear diatomics

C6 Molecular orbitals: polyatomics

C7 Rings and clusters

C8 Bond strengths

C9 Lewis acids and bases

C10 Molecules in condensed phases


Section D—

Structure and bonding in solids

D1 Introduction to solids

D2 Element structures

D3 Binary compounds: simple structures

D4 Binary compounds: factors influencing structure

D5 More complex solids

D6 Lattice energies

D7 Electrical and optical properties of solids


Section E—

Chemistry in solution

E1 Solvent types and properties

E2 Brønsted acids and bases

E3 Complex formation

E4 Solubility of ionic substances

E5 Electrode potentials


Section F—

Chemistry of nonmetals

F1 Introduction to nonmetals

F2 Hydrogen

F3 Boron

F4 Carbon, silicon and germanium

F5 Nitrogen

F6 Phosphorus, arsenic and antimony

F7 Oxygen

F8 Sulfur, selenium and tellurium

F9 Halogens

F10 Noble gases


Section G—

Chemistry of non-transition metals

G1 Introduction to non-transition metals

G2 Group 1: alkali metals

G3 Group 2: alkaline earths

G4 Group 12: zinc, cadmium and mercury

G5 Group 13: aluminum to thallium

G6 Group 14: tin and lead


Section H—

Chemistry of transition metals

H1 Introduction to transition metals

H2 Ligand field theory

H3 3d series: aqueous ions

H4 3d series: solid compounds

H5 4d and 5d series

H6 Complexes: structure and isomerism

H7 Complexes: kinetics and mechanism

H8 Complexes: electronic spectra and magnetism

H9 Complexes: π acceptor ligands

H10 Organometallic compounds

Section I—

Lanthanides and actinides

I1 Lanthanum and the lanthanides

I2 Actinium and the actinides

Section J—

Environmental, biological and industrial aspects

J1 Origin and abundance of the elements

J2 Geochemistry

J3 Bioinorganic chemistry

J4 Industrial chemistry: bulk inorganic chemicals

J5 Industrial chemistry: catalysts

J6 Environmental cycling and pollution

 Further reading

Appendix I— The elements 1–103

Appendix II— The Periodic Table of Elements




3c2e three-center two-electron

3c4e three-center four-electron

3D three dimensional

ADP adenosine diphosphate

An actinide

AO atomic orbital

ATP adenosine triphosphate

bcc body-centered cubic

BO bond order

BP boiling point

CB conduction band

ccp cubic close packing

CN coordination number

Cp cyclopentadienyl (C5H5)

E unspecified (non-metallic) element

EA electron affinity

EAN effective atomic number

EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetate

Et ethyl (C2H5)

fcc face-centered cubic

hcp hexagonal close packing

HOMO highest occupied molecular orbital

HSAB hard and soft acid-base

IE (first) ionization energy

In nth ionization energy (n=1, 2,…)

IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

L unspecified ligand

LCAO linear combination of atomic orbitals

LFSE ligand field stabilization energy

LMCT ligand-to-metal charge transfer

LUMO lowest unoccupied molecular orbital

Ln lanthanide

M unspecified (metallic) element

Me methyl (CH3)

MLCT metal-to-ligand charge transfer

MO molecular orbital

MP melting point

Ph phenyl (C6H5)

R organic group (alkyl or aryl)

RAM relative atomic mass

SN steric number

UV ultraviolet

VB valence band

VE valence electron

VSEPR valence shell electron pair repulsion

X unspecified element (often a halogen)

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