Chemistry Essentials for Dummies (informative)

Free download Chemistry Essentials for Dummies
Making Everything Easier!
• Exactly what you need to know about matter and energy
• The basics of chemical bonds
• How to balance chemical reactions
Authors of: Chemistry Essentials for Dummies
John T. Moore
Table of Contents in Chemistry Essentials for Dummies
About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
Foolish Assumptions
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Chapter 1: Matter and Energy: Exploring the Stuff of Chemistry
Knowing the States of Matter and Their Changes
Solids, liquids, and gases
Condensing and freezing
Melting and boiling
From solid to liquid
From liquid to gas
Skipping liquids: Sublimation
Pure Substances and Mixtures
Pure substances
Throwing mixtures into the mix
Measuring Matter
Nice Properties You’ve Got There
Energy Types
Kinetic energy
Potential energy
Temperature and Heat
Chapter 2: What’s In an Atom?
Subatomic Particles
Centering on the Nucleus
Locating Those Electrons
The quantum mechanical model
The principal quantum number n
The angular momentum quantum number l
The magnetic quantum number ml
The spin quantum number ms
Putting the quantum numbers together
Energy level diagrams
The dreaded energy level diagram
Electron configurations
Valence electrons: Clues about chemical reactions
Isotopes and Ions
Isotopes: Varying neutrons
Ions: Varying electrons
Gaining and losing electrons
Writing electron configurations
Predicting types of bonds
Chapter 3: The Periodic Table
Repeating Patterns: The Modern Periodic Table
Arranging Elements in the Periodic Table
Grouping metals, nonmetals, and metalloids
Arranging elements by families and periods
Chapter 4: Nuclear Chemistry
Seeing How the Atom’s Put Together
Dealing with a Nuclear Breakup: Balancing Reactions
Understanding Types of Natural Radioactive Decay
Alpha emission
Beta emission
Gamma emission
Positron emission
Electron capture
Half-Lives and Radioactive Dating
Calculating remaining radioactivity
Radioactive dating
Breaking Elements Apart with Nuclear Fission
Mass defect: Where does all that energy come from?
Chain reactions and critical mass
Coming Together with Nuclear Fusion
Chapter 5: Ionic Bonding
Forming Ions: Making Satisfying Electron Trades
Gaining and losing electrons
Losing an electron to become a cation: Sodium
Gaining an electron to become
an anion: Chlorine
Looking at charges on single-atom ions
Seeing some common one-atom ions
Possible charges: Naming ions with multiple oxidation states
Grouping atoms to form polyatomic ions
Creating Ionic Compounds
Making the bond: Sodium metal + chlorine gas = sodium chloride
Figuring out the formulas of ionic compounds
Balancing charges:
Magnesium and bromine
Using the crisscross rule
Naming ionic compounds
Dealing with multiple oxidation states
Getting names from formulas and formulas from names
Bonding Clues: Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes
Chapter 6: Covalent Bonding
Chapter 7: Chemical Reactions
Chapter 8: Electrochemistry: Using Electrons
Chapter 9: Measuring Substances with the Mole
Chapter 10: A Salute to Solutions
Chapter 11: Acids and Bases
Chapter 12: Clearing the Air on Gases
Chapter 13: Ten Serendipitous Discoveries in Chemistry
File Size: 1.50 MB. Pages: 195 Please read Disclaimer.
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