Chemical Sciences CSIR-NET & Gate Topicwise Complete Solution (one of the most informative book)

Free download Chemical Sciences CSIR-NET & Gate Topicwise Complete Solution
1st Edition
Authors of: Chemical Sciences CSIR-NET & Gate Topicwise Complete Solution
Vivek C. Badgujar
Kirtikumar C. Badgujar
Harshal B. Saraf
Harshal C. Badgujar
Table of Contents in Chemical Sciences CSIR-NET & Gate Topicwise Complete Solution
1 Atomic structure and Quantum chemistry
2 Valence shell electron pair repulsion theory (VSEPR)
3 Molecular orbital theory of diatomic molecules
4 s and p-block elements
5 Transition/Inner-transition Elements
6 Bio-inorganic
7 Term Symbol and electronic spectroscopy
8 Organo-metallic Chemistry & catalysis
9 Borane, Silicates, Isolobal fragments, Cages & Metal Clusters
10 Inorganic Reaction Mechanism
11 Point group/Symmetry element
12 Solid state
13 Molecular Spectroscopy
14 Aromaticity
15 Organic Reaction Mechanism:-
- Common Organic Reactions & Reactive intermediates
- Organic Name Reactions & Rearrangements
- Reagents in Organic Synthesis
- Mechanisms of Organic Reactions: Labelling and kinetic isotope effects, Hamett equation, neighboring group participation.
16 Stereochemistry
17 Organic spectroscopy
18 Pericyclic reactions
19 Photochemistry
20 Heterocyclic Chemistry
Title: A Comprehensive Overview of Key Topics in Chemistry
Chemistry, as a scientific discipline, encompasses a vast array of topics that delve into the fundamental nature of matter and the interactions between various elements. This comprehensive overview explores a range of subjects, from atomic structure to organic spectroscopy, providing an in-depth understanding of the intricate world of chemistry.
- Atomic Structure and Quantum Chemistry:
The foundation of chemistry lies in understanding the structure of atoms and the principles of quantum mechanics that govern their behavior. By delving into the intricacies of atomic structure, scientists gain insights into the properties and behaviors of different elements, forming the basis for the entire field of chemistry.
- Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR):
VSEPR theory is crucial for predicting molecular geometries by considering the repulsion between electron pairs in the valence shell. This theoretical framework allows chemists to predict the three-dimensional shapes of molecules, providing a fundamental tool for understanding molecular behavior and reactivity.
- Molecular Orbital Theory of Diatomic Molecules:
The molecular orbital theory elucidates the electronic structure of diatomic molecules, offering a deeper understanding of their bonding and stability. This theory plays a pivotal role in explaining the properties and behavior of molecules, laying the groundwork for further explorations in chemistry.
- s and p-Block Elements:
The study of s and p-block elements encompasses a broad range of elements with diverse properties. Investigating these elements provides insights into their electronic configurations, reactivity patterns, and contributions to various chemical processes, making them essential components of the periodic table.
- Transition/Inner-Transition Elements:
Transition and inner-transition elements occupy central positions in the periodic table, showcasing unique properties and versatile roles in chemical reactions. An in-depth exploration of these elements reveals their significance in catalysis, complex formation, and various biological processes.
- Bio-Inorganic Chemistry:
The intersection of inorganic chemistry with the biological realm gives rise to bio-inorganic chemistry. This field examines the roles of metal ions in biological systems, shedding light on essential processes such as enzyme catalysis, oxygen transport, and electron transfer in living organisms.
- Term Symbol and Electronic Spectroscopy:
Term symbols provide a shorthand representation of electronic configurations, aiding in the interpretation of electronic spectroscopy data. Understanding term symbols is crucial for unraveling the electronic structures and transitions that underlie the absorption and emission of light by molecules.
- Organo-Metallic Chemistry & Catalysis:
Organo-metallic chemistry explores the interactions between organic molecules and metal ions, playing a pivotal role in catalysis. Catalysis, in turn, is a fundamental concept with applications spanning from industrial processes to environmental protection, making organo-metallic chemistry a vibrant and impactful field.
- Borane, Silicates, Isolobal Fragments, Cages & Metal Clusters:
The study of boranes, silicates, isolobal fragments, cages, and metal clusters delves into unique structural motifs and bonding patterns. Understanding these entities provides valuable insights into their reactivity, stability, and potential applications in diverse fields.
- Inorganic Reaction Mechanism:
Exploring the mechanisms underlying inorganic reactions is essential for unraveling the pathways through which chemical transformations occur. This knowledge contributes to the design and optimization of synthetic processes and enhances our understanding of the behavior of inorganic compounds.
- Point Group/Symmetry Element:
Symmetry plays a crucial role in determining the physical and chemical properties of molecules. Point group and symmetry element analysis provide tools for categorizing molecular structures, facilitating the prediction of various properties and behaviors based on symmetry considerations.
- Solid State:
The study of solid-state chemistry involves investigating the arrangement of atoms and molecules in solids. This field provides insights into the physical and electronic properties of materials, with applications ranging from electronics to drug formulation.
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