Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition by David Klein
Free Download Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition by David Klein
3rd Edition
Authors of: Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition by David Klein
David Klein
Table of Contents in Organic Chemistry 3rd Edition by David Klein
1 A Review of General Chemistry: Electrons, Bonds, and Molecular Properties
1.1 Introduction to Organic Chemistry
1.2 The Structural Theory of Matter
1.3 Electrons, Bonds, and Lewis Structures
1.4 Identifying Formal Charges
1.5 Induction and Polar Covalent Bonds
PRACTICALLY SPEAKING Electrostatic Potential Maps
1.6 Atomic Orbitals
1.7 Valence Bond Theory
1.8 Molecular Orbital Theory
1.9 Hybridized Atomic Orbitals
1.10 Predicting Molecular Geometry: VSEPR Theory
1.11 Dipole Moments and Molecular Polarity
1.12 Intermolecular Forces and Physical Properties
PRACTICALLY SPEAKING Biomimicry and Gecko Feet
MEDICALLY SPEAKING Drug-Receptor Interactions
1.13 Solubility
MEDICALLY SPEAKING Propofol: The Importance of Drug Solubility
2 Molecular Representations
2.1 Molecular Representations
2.2 Bond-Line Structures
2.3 Identifying Functional Groups
MEDICALLY SPEAKING Marine Natural Products
2.4 Carbon Atoms with Formal Charges
2.5 Identifying Lone Pairs
2.6 Three-Dimensional Bond-Line Structures
MEDICALLY SPEAKING Identifying the Pharmacophore
2.7 Introduction to Resonance
2.8 Curved Arrows
2.9 Formal Charges in Resonance Structures
2.10 Drawing Resonance Structures via Pattern Recognition
2.11 Assessing the Relative Importance of Resonance Structures
2.12 The Resonance Hybrid
2.13 Delocalized and Localized Lone Pairs
3 Acids and Bases
3.1 Introduction to Brønsted-Lowry Acids and Bases
3.2 Flow of Electron Density: Curved-Arrow Notation
MEDICALLY SPEAKING Antacids and Heartburn
3.3 Brønsted-Lowry Acidity: A Quantitative Perspective
MEDICALLY SPEAKING Drug Distribution and pKa
3.4 Brønsted-Lowry Acidity: Qualitative Perspective
3.5 Position of Equilibrium and Choice of Reagents
3.6 Leveling Effect
3.7 Solvating Effects
3.8 Counterions
PRACTICALLY SPEAKING Baking Soda versus Baking Powder
3.9 Lewis Acids and Bases
4 Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
4.1 Introduction to Alkanes
4.2 Nomenclature of Alkanes
PRACTICALLY SPEAKING Pheromones: Chemical Messengers
4.3 Constitutional Isomers of Alkanes
4.4 Relative Stability of Isomeric Alkanes
4.5 Sources and Uses of Alkanes
PRACTICALLY SPEAKING An Introduction to Polymers
4.6 Drawing Newman Projections
4.7 Conformational Analysis of Ethane and Propane
4.8 Conformational Analysis of Butane
MEDICALLY SPEAKING Drugs and Their Conformations
4.9 Cycloalkanes
MEDICALLY SPEAKING Cyclopropane as an Inhalation Anesthetic
4.10 Conformations of Cyclohexane
4.11 Drawing Chair Conformations
4.12 Monosubstituted Cyclohexane
4.13 Disubstituted Cyclohexane
4.14 cis-trans Stereoisomerism
4.15 Polycyclic Systems
5 Stereoisomerism
5.1 Overview of Isomerism
5.2 Introduction to Stereoisomerism
5.3 Designating Configuration Using the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog System
5.4 Optical Activity
5.5 Stereoisomeric Relationships: Enantiomers and Diastereomers
5.6 Symmetry and Chirality
5.7 Fischer Projections
5.8 Conformationally Mobile Systems
5.9 Chiral Compounds That Lack a Chiral Center
5.10 Resolution of Enantiomers
5.11 E and Z Designations for Diastereomeric Alkenes
6 Chemical Reactivity and Mechanisms
7 Alkyl Halides: Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination Reactions
8 Addition Reactions of Alkenes
9 Alkynes
10 Radical Reactions
11 Synthesis
12 Alcohols and Phenols
13 Ethers and Epoxides; Thiols and Sulfides
14 Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry
15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
16 Conjugated Pi Systems and Pericyclic Reactions
17 Aromatic Compounds
18 Aromatic Substitution Reactions
19 Aldehydes and Ketones 844
20 Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives
21 Alpha Carbon Chemistry: Enols and Enolates
22 Amines
23 Introduction to Organometallic Compounds
24 Carbohydrates
25 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins
26 Lipids
27 Synthetic Polymers
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