Advances in Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials, and Coatings By Alexander D. Pogrebnjak (informative)

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Selected Papers from the 2018 International Conference on “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties”
Authors of: Advances in Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials, and Coatings By Alexander D. Pogrebnjak
Alexander D. Pogrebnjak
Valentine Novosad
Table of Contents in Advances in Thin Films, Nanostructured Materials, and Coatings By Alexander D. Pogrebnjak
Thin Film Deposition by Plasma Beam of a Vacuum
Arc with Refractory Anodes
I. I. Beilis and R. L. Boxman
Multilayer Design of CrN/MoN Superhard Protective
Coatings and Their Characterisation
B. O. Postolnyi, O. V. Bondar, K. Zaleski, E. Coy, S. Jurga,
L. Rebouta and J. P. Araujo
Structure and Properties of Combined Multilayer Coatings
Based on Alternative Triple Nitride and Binary Metallic Layers
O. V. Bondar, Alexander D. Pogrebnjak, Y. Takeda, B. Postolnyi,
P. Zukowski, R. Sakenova, V. Beresnev and V. Stolbovoy
DSC Investigations of the Effect of Annealing Temperature on the
Phase Transformation Behaviour in (Zr–Ti–Nb)N Coatings
Deposited by CA-PVD
O. V. Maksakova, M. K. Kylyshkanov and S. Simoẽs
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Multilayered
a-AlN/a-BCN Coatings Depending on Flux Density During
Target B4C Sputtering
V. I. Ivashchenko, V. M. Rogoz, T. N. Koltunowicz and A. I. Kupchishin
Mass Transfer Model of Sputtering from Rod-Like Targets
for Synthesis of Multielement
Yu. O. Kosminska and V. I. Perekrestov
Self-organized Growth by Sputtering and Other PVD
Yu. O. Kosminska and V.
On the Possibility of Training Demonstration of the Giant
Magnetoresistance Effect in Higher School
V. B. Loboda, M. Ya. Dovzhyk, V. O. Kravchenko, S. M. Khursenko
and Yu. O. Shkurdoda
Multifractal Analysis of the Surfaces of Protective (TiAlSiY)N,
Me1−xN/CrN and Me1−xN/ZrN Coatings
Ya. Kravchenko, B. Natalich, M. Opielak and V. Borysiuk
Multilayer Nickel–Copper Metal Hydroxide Coating as Cathode
Material for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
A. Maizelis and B. Bairachniy
Effect of Nano-Structured Factors on the Properties of the Coatings
Produced by Detonation Spraying Method
L. Markashova, Yu. Tyurin, O. Berdnikova, O. Kolisnichenko,
I. Polovetskyi and Ye. Titkov
Nanostructures in Welded Joints and Their Interconnection
with Operation Properties
Liudmyla Markashova, Olena Berdnikova, Tetiana Alekseienko,
Artemii Bernatskyi and Volodymyr Sydorets
Development of a Controlled In Situ Thin-Film Technology
for Porous Anodic Alumina-Based Nanostructures
T. Lebyedyeva, I. Frolov, M. Skoryk and P. Shpylovyy
The Structure and Tribological Properties of Ni/MoS2 Composite
Layers Formed on Aluminum and Its Alloys
B. Kucharska, J. Mizera, M. Szumiata, A. Zagórski and J. R. Sobiecki
The Effect of Organic Additives on the Microstructure, Microhardness
and Friction Coefficient of Ni/WS2 Composite
B. Kucharska, M. Ptaszek, J. R. Sobiecki, A. Zagórski and Ja. Mizera
Effect of Temperature on the Growth of Pores in Binary
Bi/Sn Films
S. I. Petrushenko, S. V. Dukarov, Z. V. Bloshenko, I. G. Churilov
and V. N. Sukhov
Method for Identification of Optical Resonances of Metal Films
M. Yu. Barabash, G. G. Vlaykov, A. A. Kolesnichenko and L. V. Ryabov
Complex Method of the Composite Nanocoatings Formation
A. E. Stetsko and Ya. T. Stetsko
The Role of a Thin Aluminum Film in the Reconstruction
of Silicon’s Near-Surface Layers
R. Lys, B. Pavlyk, D. Slobodzyan, J. Cebulski
Structure and Optical Properties of CNx–Ni and CNx–EuCl3
Core/Shell Nanostructured Films
A. Prudnikov, Yu. Pashkevich, K. Lamonova, P. Maksimchuk, O. Viagin,
Yu. Malyukin and M. Pas’ko
Acoustic Activation of Radiation Defect Migration
in Nanocrystalline Material Under Neutron or Ion
A. I. Kalinichenko and V. E. Strel’nitskij
Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites for Novel Heating
R. Kolisnyk, M. Korab, M. Iurzhenko, O. Masiuchok, A. Shadrin,
Ye. Mamunya, S. Pruvost and V. Demchenko
The Investigation of the Welding Process of Different-Type
M. Kovalchuk, M. Iurzhenko, V. Demchenko and I. Senchenkov
Functional Selective Nanostructured Coatings Synthesized
by Low-Temperature Ion-Plasma Method on Polymeric
Z. Tsybrii, F. Sizov, M. Vuichyk, K. Svezhentsova, E. Rudenko,
I. Korotash and D. Polotskiy
Estimating Qualitative Parameters of Aluminized Coating
Obtained by Electric Spark Alloying Method
O. Gaponova, Cz. Kundera, G. Kirik, V. Tarelnyk, V. Martsynkovskyy,
Ie. Konoplianchenko, M. Dovzhyk, A. Belous and O. Vasilenko
Thin ZnO:Al and CdS Films’ Optical Properties
I. P. Koziarskyi, E. V. Maistruk and D. P. Koziarskyi
Excitation of Vortex-Antivortex Pairs in Thin Superconducting
Films and Superlattices
P. Mikheenko
Channeling of Magnetic Flux in YBa2Cu3O7−d Superlattices
H. J. Mollatt, T. Qureishy, A. Crisan, V. S. Dang and P. Mikheenko
Effect of Temperature on Phase Formation in Thin Bilayer
Ni/GaAs Films
S. V. Dukarov, S. I. Petrushenko, V. V. Miroshnychenko,
O. O. Nevgasimov and V. N. Sukhov
Detection of Unreliable Superluminescent Diode Chips
Using Gamma-Irradiation
P. B. Lagov and V. M. Maslovsky
Structural Features and Properties of Biocompatible Ti-Based
Alloys with b-Stabilizing Elements
K. V. Smyrnova, Alexander D. Pogrebnjak and L. G. Kassenova
Stain Effect on the Properties of Polar Dielectric Thin Films
Alexander Tkach, Olena Okhay, André Santos, Sebastian Zlotnik,
Ricardo Serrazina, Paula M. Vilarinho and M. Elisabete Costa
Determination of the Percolation Threshold for (FeCoZr)x(SiO2)(100−x)
V. Bondariev
Mechanisms of Surface State Formation at Si/SiO2 Interface
in the Nanosized MOS Transistors
A. N. Volkov, D. V. Andreev and V. M. Maslovsky
ZnO Doped Nanosized Composite Material Based
on Hydroxyapatite and Sodium Alginate Matrix
Alexander D. Pogrebnjak, L. F. Sukhodub, L. Sukhodub,
O. V. Bondar and A. Turlybekuly
AC Dependence of Electrical Properties of SiOx/ZrO2 Multilayer
Nanocomposites with Si Nanocrystals
T. N. Koltunowicz, K. Czarnacka and A. K. Fedotov
Effect of Implantation Temperature and Annealing on Synthesis
of ZnSe Nanocrystals in Silica by Ion Implantation
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