Analytical And Physical Electrochemistry By Hubert H. Girault (very informative)

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Authors of: Analytical And Physical Electrochemistry By Hubert H. Girault
Hubert H. Girault
Table of Contents in Analytical And Physical Electrochemistry By Hubert H. Girault
Preface to the Original French Edition
The preface introduces the foundational purpose and scope of this work, presenting the principles of electrochemistry and their applications in science and technology. It sets the stage for a detailed exploration of electrochemical potentials, equilibria, electrolyte solutions, transport phenomena, and advanced techniques in analytical and physical electrochemistry.
Chapter 1: Electrochemical Potential
1.1 The concept of electrochemical potential for ions is examined, detailing how ions interact with their surroundings and contribute to various electrochemical processes.
1.2 Similarly, the electrochemical potential of electrons is discussed, emphasizing its role in energy transfer and electron flow within systems.
Chapter 2: Electrochemical Equilibria
2.1 This chapter begins with a focus on redox reactions at metallic electrodes, explaining the dynamics of oxidation and reduction processes.
2.2 It proceeds to explore cells and accumulators, including their construction and energy storage capabilities.
2.3 Pourbaix diagrams are introduced as a graphical tool to understand electrochemical equilibria under various pH conditions.
2.4 The behavior of electrochemical equilibria at the interface between two electrolytes is analyzed, highlighting unique reaction environments.
2.5 Applications of potentiometry in analytical chemistry are presented, showcasing its utility in measuring and monitoring ion concentrations.
2.6 Ion exchange membranes are described, with an emphasis on their role in electrochemical applications and ion selectivity.
The chapter concludes with an appendix on the respiratory chain, explaining its electrochemical basis in biological energy production.
Chapter 3: Electrolyte Solutions
3.1 The properties and behaviors of liquids as electrolytes are discussed, setting a foundation for the study of ionic solutions.
3.2 Thermodynamic aspects of solvation are covered, explaining how ions interact energetically with their solvent environment.
3.3 The structural aspects of ionic solvation are also analyzed, illustrating how molecular arrangements influence solvation properties.
3.4 Ion-ion interactions and their impact on solution behavior are explored in depth.
3.5 Ion pairs, their formation, and their significance in electrochemical processes are investigated.
3.6 Computational methods for studying electrolyte solutions are introduced, offering insights into modern approaches to simulation and modeling.
The chapter is supplemented with an appendix for further clarification of these concepts.
Chapter 4: Transport in Solution
4.1 The fundamentals of transport phenomena in electrolyte solutions are introduced, emphasizing ionic mobility and diffusion.
4.2 Conductivity is analyzed, explaining how it varies with different electrolytes and environmental factors.
4.3 The influence of concentration on conductivity is detailed, showing how ionic strength impacts transport.
4.4 Dielectric friction, a factor influencing ion mobility, is explained in the context of ionic interactions.
4.5 The thermodynamics of irreversible systems are explored, with an emphasis on entropy and energy dissipation.
4.6 Statistical aspects of diffusion are presented, providing a quantitative perspective on ionic motion.
An appendix on fluid mechanics is included to complement this chapter, connecting fluid dynamics with electrochemical transport.
Chapter 5: Electrified Interfaces
5.1 Interfacial tension is examined, describing its role in the stability and behavior of electrified interfaces.
5.2 Thermodynamics at interfaces are detailed, explaining energy exchange and equilibrium conditions.
5.3 The thermodynamics of electrified interfaces are explored, focusing on the effects of electric fields.
5.4 Polarization charge distribution across interfaces is discussed, emphasizing its spatial characteristics.
5.5 The structural aspects of electrochemical interfaces are investigated, showcasing how molecular arrangement impacts electrochemical reactions.
Chapter 6: Electrokinetic Phenomena and Electrochemical Separation Methods
6.1 Electrokinetic phenomena such as electroosmosis and electrophoresis are introduced, highlighting their applications.
6.2 Capillary electrophoresis is presented as a powerful analytical technique for separating charged species.
6.3 Other electrophoretic methods of analytical separation are discussed, emphasizing their utility in diverse fields.
6.4 The electrophoretic separation of biopolymers is analyzed, particularly for applications in molecular biology.
6.5 Ion chromatography is described, showcasing its role in analytical chemistry for ion detection.
6.6 Industrial methods of electrochemical separation are detailed, including their large-scale applications.
Chapter 7: Steady-State Amperometry
7.1 Electrochemical kinetics are introduced, emphasizing the factors that influence reaction rates.
7.2 Current limitations due to redox reaction kinetics are explored.
7.3 Reversible systems where current is limited by diffusion are analyzed.
7.4 Electrodes with controlled diffusion layers are introduced as tools for experimental design.
7.5 Quasi-reversible systems are described, where current is influenced by both kinetics and diffusion.
7.6 Irreversible systems with similar limitations are also discussed.
7.7 Experimental aspects of amperometry are covered, with a focus on practical applications.
Chapter 8: Pulse Voltammetry
8.1 Chronoamperometry following a potential step is analyzed to understand transient behaviors.
8.2 Polarography is introduced, explaining its use in chemical analysis.
8.3 Techniques such as square wave voltammetry and stripping voltammetry are discussed for their precision and sensitivity.
8.4 Thin-layer voltammetry is examined for applications requiring minimal sample volumes.
8.5 Amperometric detectors in chromatography are presented as analytical tools.
Chapter 9: Electrochemical Impedance
9.1 Transfer functions and their role in analyzing electrochemical systems are introduced.
9.2 Elementary circuits are examined to provide a basis for understanding complex impedances.
9.3 The impedance of electrochemical systems is explained, with applications in system diagnostics.
9.4 AC voltammetry is presented as a complementary technique to traditional methods.
Chapter 10: Cyclic Voltammetry
10.1 Reversible reactions involving semi-infinite linear diffusion are explored.
10.2 The impact of kinetics on cyclic voltammetry is analyzed.
10.3 EC reactions are discussed, highlighting coupled chemical and electrochemical steps.
10.4 Electron transfer at liquid-liquid interfaces is explained.
10.5 Assisted ion transfer at interfaces is analyzed, particularly in mixed systems.
10.6 Surface reactions are explored in the context of adsorption and catalysis.
10.7 Hemi-spherical diffusion and its impact on voltammetry are detailed.
10.8 Voltabsorptometry and semi-integration are introduced as advanced analysis techniques.
Annex A: Vector Analysis
This annex explains coordinate systems, field vector circulation, vector gradients, flux, and the Green-Ostrogradski theorem for mathematical foundation in electrochemistry.
Annex B: Work Functions and Standard Redox Potentials
This section provides essential data and explanations for understanding redox potentials in electrochemical systems.
Symbols and Index
A comprehensive list of symbols and an index are provided for ease of reference.
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