Waste Incineration and the Environment By R.E. Hester and R.M. Harrison Vol. 2 (informative)
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Vol. 2
Authors of: Waste Incineration and the Environment By R.E. Hester and R.M. Harrison Vol. 2
R.E. Hester
R.M. Harrison
Table of Contents in Waste Incineration and the Environment By R.E. Hester and R.M. Harrison Vol. 2
Incineration as a Waste Management Option 1 J. Petts
1 Introduction
2 Use of Incineration
3 Policy Development
4 The Economics of Incineration
5 Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment
6 Technology Development
7 Public Acceptance
8 Conclusion
Pollutants from Incineration: An Overview
P.T. Williams
1 Introduction
2 Pollutant Emissions to the Atmosphere
3 Contaminated Waste Water
4 Contaminated Ash
Recovering Energy from Waste: Emissions and Their Control
G.W Rae
1 Introduction
2 The Belvedere Project
3 The Regulatory Environment
4 Emissions from Burning Waste
5 Controlling Emissions to Atmosphere
6 Conclusions
Organic Micropollutant Emissions from Waste Incineration
G. H. Eduljee
1 Introduction
2 Sources, Composition, and Levels
3 Mechanisms of Formation
4 Control of Emissions
5 Health Effects
6 Conclusions
Pilot-scale Research on the Fate of Trace Metals in Incineration
G. J. Carroll
1 Introduction
2 Background
3 Test System
4 Test Descriptions
5 Test Conditions
6 Results
7 Conclusions
The US Approach to Incinerator Regulation
E.M. Steverson
1 Introduction
2 Major US Statutes and Regulations
3 The Public Involvement Process
4 Regulatory Impacts
5 The Future of Incinerator Regulations
Environmental Assessment and Incineration
D. O. Harrop
1 Introduction
2 Screening
3 Impact Identification
4 Impact Prediction and Measurement
5 Impact Description and Evaluation
6 Presentation and Communication of Information
7 EIA Monitoring and Auditing
Selected Reading
Subject Index
Incineration, a prominent technique in waste management, has garnered considerable attention across various sectors. This comprehensive exploration delves into its multifaceted dimensions encompassing policy development, economic considerations, environmental impact assessments, technological advancements, public acceptance, and regulatory frameworks. Through the lenses of diverse experts, this discourse navigates through the intricacies of pollutant emissions, energy recovery, organic micropollutants, trace metal fate, and regulatory landscapes associated with incineration.
Incineration, as a waste management option, has witnessed extensive utilization owing to its efficacy in waste disposal and energy recovery. However, its adoption necessitates robust policy frameworks that integrate economic viability, environmental sustainability, and public interests. The economics of incineration play a pivotal role in shaping its feasibility and widespread implementation, while environmental impact assessments and risk evaluations are imperative to mitigate potential ecological repercussions.
Pollutant emissions from incineration pose significant concerns, particularly regarding atmospheric pollution, contaminated wastewater, and residual ash. Understanding the sources, composition, and levels of pollutants is crucial in devising effective control measures to minimize adverse environmental and health impacts. Additionally, the fate of trace metals in incineration processes warrants meticulous scrutiny through pilot-scale research to elucidate their behaviors and potential risks.
The regulatory environment surrounding incineration is multifaceted, encompassing statutory frameworks, public involvement processes, and future regulatory trajectories. The US approach to incinerator regulation provides valuable insights into the evolution of legislative measures, regulatory impacts, and ongoing efforts to enhance environmental protection and public health safeguards.
Furthermore, environmental assessments play a pivotal role in elucidating the potential impacts of incineration projects, encompassing screening, impact identification, prediction, measurement, description, evaluation, and communication of information. Effective monitoring and auditing mechanisms are indispensable in ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and fostering transparency in incineration practices.
In conclusion, this comprehensive exploration underscores the intricate interplay between incineration processes, environmental impacts, regulatory frameworks, and societal acceptance. By integrating diverse perspectives and scientific insights, stakeholders can navigate the complexities of incineration in waste management, striving towards sustainable and environmentally responsible solutions.
This rephrased document expands upon the various facets of incineration in waste management, encompassing multiple perspectives and dimensions to provide a comprehensive understanding of its processes, impacts, and regulatory frameworks.
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