Principles of Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design by Uzi Mann Second Edition

Free Download Principles of Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design by Uzi Mann Second Edition
Principles of Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design
New Tools for Industrial Chemical Reactor Operations
Uzi Mann
Texas Tech University
Table of Contents
Preface xi
Notation xv
1 Overview of Chemical Reaction Engineering
1.1 Classification of Chemical Reactions,
1.2 Classification of Chemical Reactors,
1.3 Phenomena and Concepts,
1.3.1 Stoichiometry,
1.3.2 Chemical Kinetics,
1.3.3 Transport Effects,
1.3.4 Global Rate Expression,
1.3.5 Species Balance Equation and Reactor Design Equation,
1.3.6 Energy Balance Equation,
1.3.7 Momentum Balance Equation,
1.4 Common Practices,
1.4.1 Experimental Reactors,
1.4.2 Selection of Reactor Configuration,
1.4.3 Selection of Operating Conditions,
1.4.4 Operational Considerations,
1.4.5 Scale up,
1.4.6 Diagnostic Methods,
1.5 Industrial Reactors,
2 Stoichiometry
2.1 Four Contexts of Chemical Reaction,
2.2 Chemical Formulas and Stoichiometric Coefficients,
2.3 Extent of a Chemical Reaction,
2.4 Independent and Dependent Chemical Reactions,
2.5 Characterization of the Reactor Feed,
2.5.1 Limiting Reactant,
2.5.2 Excess Reactant,
2.6 Characterization of Reactor Performance,
2.6.1 Reactant Conversion,
2.6.2 Product Yield and Selectivity,
2.7 Dimensionless Extents,
2.8 Independent Species Composition Specifications,
3 Chemical Kinetics
3.1 Species Formation Rates,
3.2 Rates of Chemical Reactions,
3.3 Rate Expressions of Chemical Reactions,
3.4 Effects of Transport Phenomena,
3.5 Characteristic Reaction Time,
4 Species Balances and Design Equations
4.1 Macroscopic Species Balances—General Species-Based Design Equations,
4.2 Species-Based Design Equations of Ideal Reactors,
4.2.1 Ideal Batch Reactor,
4.2.2 Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor (CSTR),
4.2.3 Plug-Flow Reactor (PFR),
4.3 Reaction-Based Design Equations,
4.3.1 Ideal Batch Reactor,
4.3.2 Plug-Flow Reactor,
4.3.3 Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor (CSTR),
4.3.4 Formulation Procedure,
4.4 Dimensionless Design Equations and Operating Curves,
5 Energy Balances
5.1 Review of Thermodynamic Relations,
5.1.1 Heat of Reaction,
5.1.2 Effect of Temperature on Reaction Equilibrium Constant,
5.2 Energy Balances,
5.2.1 Batch Reactors,
5.2.2 Flow Reactors,
6 Ideal Batch Reactor
6.1 Design Equations and Auxiliary Relations,
6.2 Isothermal Operations with Single Reactions,
6.2.1 Constant-Volume Reactors,
6.2.2 Gaseous, Variable-Volume Batch Reactors,
6.2.3 Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression,
6.3 Isothermal Operations with Multiple Reactions,
6.4 Nonisothermal Operations,
7 Plug-Flow Reactor
7.1 Design Equations and Auxiliary Relations,
7.2 Isothermal Operations with Single Reactions,
7.2.1 Design,
7.2.2 Determination of Reaction Rate Expression,
7.3 Isothermal Operations with Multiple Reactions,
7.4 Nonisothermal Operations,
7.5 Effects of Pressure Drop,
8 Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor
8.1 Design Equations and Auxiliary Relations,
8.2 Isothermal Operations with Single Reactions,
8.2.1 Design of a Single CSTR,
8.2.2 Determination of the Reaction Rate Expression,
8.2.3 Cascade of CSTRs Connected in Series,
8.3 Isothermal Operations with Multiple Reactions,
8.4 Nonisothermal Operations,
9 Other Reactor Configurations
9.1 Semibatch Reactors,
9.2 Plug-Flow Reactor with Distributed Feed,
9.3 Distillation Reactor,
9.4 Recycle Reactor,
10 Economic-Based Optimization
10.1 Economic-Based Performance Objective Functions,
10.2 Batch and Semibatch Reactors,
10.3 Flow Reactors,
Appendix A Summary of Key Relationships
Appendix B Microscopic Species Balances—Species Continuity Equations
Appendix C Summary of Numerical Differentiation and Integration
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