Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions By Jagdamba Singh 3rd Edition (informative)
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3rd Edition
Authors of: Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions By Jagdamba Singh 3rd Edition
Jagdamba Singh
Jaya Singh
Table of Contents in Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions By Jagdamba Singh 3rd Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the First Edition
CHAPTER 1 Pericyclic Reactions 1–16
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Construction of π Molecular Orbitals of Ethylene and 1, 3-Butadiene
1.3 Symmetry in π Molecular Orbital
1.4 Filling of Electrons in π Molecular Orbitals in Conjugated Polyenes
1.5 Construction of Molecular Orbitals of Conjugated Ions and Radicals
1.6 Frontier Molecular Orbitals
1.7 Excited States
1.8 Symmetries in Carbon-Carbon Sigma Bond
1.9 Theory of Pericyclic Reactions
Further Reading
CHAPTER 2 Electrocyclic Reactions 17–57
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Conrotatory and Disrotatory Motions in Ring-Opening Reactions
2.3 Conrotatory and Disrotatory Motion in Ring-Closing Reactions
2.3.1 Open Chain Conjugated System having 4nπ Conjugated
2.3.2 Open Chain Conjugated System having (4n + 2)π
Conjugated Electrons
2.4 Frontier Molecular Orbital (FMO) Method
2.4.1 Cyclisation of 4nπ Systems
2.4.2 Electrocyclic Ring-Opening in which Polyene has 4nπ Electrons
2.4.3 Cyclisation of (4n + 2)π Systems
2.4.4 Electrocyclic Ring-Opening in which Polyene has (4n + 2)π
2.4.5 Selection Rules and Microscopic Reversibility
2.5 Correlation Diagram
2.5.1 Correlation Diagram of the Electrocyclic Reaction in which
Polyene has 4nπ Electrons
2.5.2 Correlation Diagram of Electrocyclic Reaction in which Polyene
has (4n + 2)π Electrons
2.6 The Woodward-Hoffmann Rule for Electrocyclic Reactions
2.6.1 Woodward-Hoffmann Rule for Electrocyclic Thermal Reactions
2.6.2 Photochemical Electrocyclic Reactions
2.7 Hückel-Mobius (H-M) Method or Perturbation Molecular Orbital
(PMO) Method
Further Reading
CHAPTER 3 Cycloaddition Reactions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Theory of Cycloaddition Reactions: FMO Method
3.2.1 [2 + 2] Cycloaddition Reactions
3.2.2 [4 + 2] Cycloaddition Reactions
3.3 Correlation Diagrams of Cycloaddition Reactions
3.3.1 Orbital Symmetry in Cycloaddition
3.3.2 Correlation Diagram of [4 + 2] Cycloaddition Reactions
3.4 The Woodward-Hoffmann Rule for Cycloaddition Reactions
3.4.1 The Woodward-Hoffmann Rule in | 4 + 2 | Cycloadditions
3.4.2 Woodward-Hoffmann Rule in |2 + 2| Cycloadditions
3.5 Hückel-Mobius Method
3.6 Cycloreversion or Retrocycloaddition Reactions
3.7 [4 + 2 ] Cycloadditions of Cations and Anions
3.8 Cycloadditions involving more than [4 + 2] Electrons
3.9 Some Anomalous [2 + 2] Cycloadditions
3.10 Chelotropic Reactions
3.10.1 [2 + 2] Chelotropic Cycloadditions
3.11 Chelotropic Elimination
3.12 1, 3-Dipolar Cycloadditions
3.12.1 Stereochemistry of 1, 3-Dipolar Cycloadditions
Further Reading
CHAPTER 4 Sigmatropic Rearrangement
4.1 Introduction and Classification
4.1.1 Classification of Sigmatropic Rearrangements
4.1.2 Name of the Rearrangement
4.2 Mechanism of Sigmatropic Rearrangement
4.2.1 Sigmatropic Shifts of Alkyl Group
4.2.2 Selection Rules for Sigmatropic Rearrangement
4.3 Other Sigmatropic Shifts
4.3.1 Cope Rearrangement
4.3.2 Claisen Rearrangement
4.4 [2, 3] Sigmatropic Rearrangements . .
4.5 Some Other [m, n] Sigmatropic Rearrangements . . .
4.6 The Woodward-Hoffmann Rule for Sigmatropic Rearrangement .
4.6.1 The Woodward-Hoffmann Rule for (m, n) Sigmatropic
Rearrangement where Migrating Group is not Hydrogen . .
4.6.2 The Woodward-Hoffmann Rule for (m, n) Sigmatropic
Rearrangement where Migrating Group is Hydrogen . .
4.7 Hückel-Mobius Method in Sigmatropic Rearrangements .
4.8 Modified and Degenerate Cope Rearrangement . .
4.9 Fluxional Molecules . .
Glossary . . .
Further Reading . .
Problems . . . . .
CHAPTER 5 Group Transfer Reactions 153–159
5.1 Ene Reactions . . .
5.2 Group Transfer Reactions given by Diimide .
Glossary . .
Further Reading .
CHAPTER 6 Introduction and Basic Principles of
Photochemistry 160–183
6.1 Energy of a Molecule
6.2 Photochemical Energy
6.2.1 Photochemical Excitation of the Molecul
6.3 Electronic Transitions
6.3.1 Types of Electronic Excitation and Molecular Orbital View
of Excitation . .
6.4 Spin Multiplicity
6.5 Nomenclature of Excited States . .
6.6 The Fate of the Excited Molecule—Physical Processes: Jablonski Diagram
6.7 Photolytic Cleavage . .
6.8 Laws of Photochemistry .
6.8.1 Grotthurs-Drapper Law .
6.8.2 Einstein’s Law of Photochemical Equivalence
6.9 Quantum Yield or Quantum Efficiency
6.9.1 The Reasons for High Quantum Yield
Further Reading
CHAPTER 7 Photochemistry of Carbonyl Compounds
7.1 α-Cleavage or Norrish Type I Process
7.1.1 Norrish Type I Process given by Acyclic Saturated Ketones
7.1.2 Norrish Type I Reaction of Saturated Cyclic Ketones
7.1.3 Norrish Type I Process given by Cyclopentanones
7.1.4 α-Cleavage given by Cyclobutanones . .
7.2 β-Cleavage Reaction . .
7.3 Intramolecular Hydrogen Abstraction (γ-Hydrogen Abstraction
7.4 Hydrogen Abstraction from Other Sites.
7.4.1 β-Hydrogen Abstraction .
7.4.2 δ- and ε-Hydrogen Abstraction . .
7.4.3 Hydrogen Abstraction from Distant Sites .
7.5 Formation of Photoenols or Photoenolisation .
7.6 Intermolecular Hydrogen Transfer: Intermolecular Photo Reduction
7.7 Photocycloaddition Reaction (Paterno-Büchi Reaction)
7.7.1 Addition to Electron-Rich Alkenes .
7.7.2 Addition to Electron Deficient Alkenes .
7.7.3 Oxitane Formation with Dienes and Alkynes . .
7.7.4 Intramolecular Paterno-Büchi Reaction .
7.8 |2 + 2| Cycloaddition Reaction of Enones with Alkenes .
Further Reading .
Problems .
CHAPTER 8 Photo Rearrangements
8.1 Photo Rearrangement of Cyclopentenone
8.2 Cyclohexanone Rearrangements .
8.2.1 Lumiketone Rearrangement .
8.2.2 Di-π-Methane Type Rearrangement .
8.3 Rearrangement of Dienones
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