Numerical Chemistry for Competitions by K D Sharma (informative)

Free download Numerical Chemistry for Competitions by K D Sharma
Authors of: Numerical Chemistry for Competitions by K D Sharma
Dr. K D Sharma
Anu Sharma
Table of Contents in Numerical Chemistry for Competitions by K D Sharma
This book encompasses a comprehensive collection of problems covering a diverse range of topics, accompanied by straightforward solutions. The content has been presented in a clear and accessible manner, catering to students of all proficiency levels. Each topic is elucidated with simplicity, ensuring that the material is easily digestible for learners at various stages of their academic journey. Additionally, the inclusion of helpful hints aims to guide readers through the resolution of unsolved problems, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
The following is an overview of the diverse array of topics covered in the book:
- Measurements and Units:
The fundamental concepts of measurements and units are explored, providing a solid foundation for understanding subsequent topics.
- Significant Figures:
This section delves into the importance of significant figures in scientific calculations, offering clarity on precision and accuracy in measurements.
- Equivalent Weight: The concept of equivalent weight is explained, illustrating its relevance in chemical calculations and reactions.
- Atomic Weight:
The determination and significance of atomic weights are discussed, shedding light on the intricacies of atomic structure.
- Density and Vapour Density:
The properties of density and vapor density are explored, emphasizing their applications in various scientific contexts.
- Molecular Weight:
The calculation and implications of molecular weight are presented, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of chemical composition.
- Laws of Chemical Combination:
The fundamental laws governing chemical reactions are outlined, providing a theoretical framework for further exploration.
- Gaseous State – States of Matter:
The behavior and characteristics of gases are examined, offering insights into the nature of different states of matter.
- The Mole Concept:
This section elucidates the concept of moles, laying the groundwork for stoichiometry and quantitative chemical analysis.
- The Solid State:
The properties and structures of solid materials are discussed, offering a comprehensive overview of this state of matter.
- Eudiometry – Gas Analysis:
Techniques and principles of gas analysis are explored, enhancing the reader’s understanding of quantitative measurements in gas reactions.
- Structure of Atom:
The atomic structure is detailed, covering the arrangement of subatomic particles and their significance in chemical behavior.
- Periodic Properties and Chemical Bonding:
The periodic table and chemical bonding are examined, establishing connections between the properties of elements and their bonding behavior.
- Stoichiometry – Limiting Reactants:
Stoichiometric calculations and the concept of limiting reactants are explained, facilitating a quantitative approach to chemical reactions.
- Thermodynamics – Thermochemistry:
The principles of thermodynamics and thermochemistry are introduced, exploring the energy changes associated with chemical processes.
- Oxidation and Reduction:
The concepts of oxidation and reduction are elucidated, providing a basis for understanding redox reactions.
- Solution – Concentration:
The properties of solutions and methods of concentration determination are covered, addressing key aspects of solution chemistry.
- Solution – Colligative Properties:
The colligative properties of solutions are discussed, exploring their dependence on the number of solute particles.
- Electrochemistry:
This section delves into the principles of electrochemistry, covering topics such as electrolysis and electrochemical cells.
- Chemical Kinetics:
The rate of chemical reactions and factors influencing reaction rates are explored, enhancing comprehension of reaction kinetics.
- Nuclear Chemistry:
The principles of nuclear chemistry are presented, covering topics such as radioactive decay and nuclear reactions.
- Volumetric Analysis:
Techniques and applications of volumetric analysis are discussed, providing insights into quantitative chemical analysis methods.
- Physical and Chemical Equilibrium:
The concept of equilibrium, both physical and chemical, is explained, addressing the dynamic nature of reversible reactions.
- Ionic Equilibrium:
The equilibrium involving ions in solution is explored, offering a detailed understanding of ionic reactions.
- Estimation of Elements in Organic Compounds:
Techniques for estimating elements in organic compounds are presented, contributing to analytical skills in organic chemistry.
- Empirical and Molecular Formulae:
The determination and applications of empirical and molecular formulae are covered, offering practical insights into chemical composition.
- Structure and Reaction based Problems:
Problems based on chemical structures and reactions are provided, challenging students to apply their knowledge in practical scenarios.
- Water and Hydrogen Peroxide:
Specific properties and applications of water and hydrogen peroxide are discussed, emphasizing their importance in various chemical processes.
- Polymers, Coordination Compounds, and Surface Chemistry:
Advanced topics such as polymers, coordination compounds, and surface chemistry are explored, broadening the scope of chemical knowledge.
- Distribution Law: The distribution law is introduced, providing a theoretical foundation for understanding the distribution of substances in different phases.
- Appendices (i) to (vi):
Additional resources and information are provided in the appendices, serving as valuable reference material for further study.
In conclusion, this book is a comprehensive resource that addresses a wide range of chemical topics with clarity and depth. Its structured approach, inclusion of problem-solving hints, and incorporation of diverse subject matter make it a valuable companion for students at all levels of proficiency in the field of chemistry.
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