Nanomaterials for Environmental Protection by Boris I. Kharisov

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Authors of: Nanomaterials for Environmental Protection by Boris I. Kharisov
Boris I. Kharisov
Oxana V. Kharissova
H. V. Rasika Dias
Table of Contents in Nanomaterials for Environmental Protection by Boris I. Kharisov
Part I Remediation with use of metals, metal oxides, complexes and composites 1
1 Groundwater Water Remediation by Static Diffusion Using Nano-Zero Valent Metals (Fe0, Cu0, Al0), n-FeHn+, n-Fe(OH)x, n-FeOOH, n-Fe-[OxHy](n+/−) 3
David D.J. Antia
2 Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Wastewater Disinfection
Erick R. Bandala, Marco Antonio Quiroz Alfaro, Mónica Cerro-López, and Miguel A. Méndez-Rojas
3 Cu2O-Based Nanocomposites for Environmental Protection: Relationship between Structure and Photocatalytic Activity, Application, and Mechanism 41
Liangbin Xiong, Huaqing Yu, Xin Ba, Wenpei Zhang, and Ying Yu
4 Multifunctional Nanocomposites for Environmental Remediation
Suying Wei, Jiahua Zhu, Hongbo Gu, Huige Wei, Xingru Yan, Yudong Huang, and Zhanhu Guo
5 Nanomaterials for the Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds from Aqueous Solutions
Amro El Badawy and Hafiz H.M. Salih
6 Hybrid Metal Nanoparticle-Containing Polymer Nanofibers for Environmental Applications
Yunpeng Huang, Shige Wang, Mingwu Shen, and Xiangyang Shi
7 Nanomaterials on the Basis of Chelating Agents, Metal Complexes, and Organometallics for Environmental Purposes
Boris I. Kharisov, Oxana V. Kharissova, and Ubaldo Ortiz Méndez
Part II Remediation with use of carbon nanotubes
8 Carbon Nanotubes: Next-Generation Nanomaterials for Clean Water Technologies
Yit Thai Ong, Kian Fei Yee, Qian Wen Yeang, Sharif Hussein Sharif Zein, and Soon Huat Tan
Part III Photocatalytical remediation
9 New Advances in Heterogeneous Photocatalysis for Treatment of Toxic Metals and Arsenic
Marta I. Litter and Natalia Quici
10 Nanostructured Titanium Dioxide for Photocatalytic Water Treatment
David G. Rickerby
11 Destruction of Chloroorganic Compounds with Nanophotocatalysts
Rashid A. Khaydarov, Renat R. Khaydarov, and Olga Gapurova
12 Semiconductor Nanomaterials for Organic Dye Degradation and Hydrogen Production via Photocatalysis
Leticia M. Torres-Martínez, Isaías Juárez-Ramírez, and Mayra Z. Figueroa-Torres
Part IV Nanoadsorbents and Nanofiltration
13 Advanced Oxidation Processes, Nanofiltration, and Application of Bubble Column Reactor
Sukanchan Palit
14 Carbon Nanomaterials as Adsorbents for Environmental Analysis
Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain
15 Application of Nanoadsorbents in Water Treatment
Amit Bhatnagar and Mika Sillanpää
16 Organo-Clay Nanohybrid Adsorbents in the Removal of Toxic Metal Ions
Part V Membranes on nanomaterials basis
17 Water Remediation Using Nanoparticle and Nanocomposite Membranes
Part VI Green methods in nanomaterials synthesis
18 Green Methodologies in the Synthesis of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
19 An Environmentally Friendly and Green Approach for Synthesis and Applications of Silver Nanoparticles
20 Green Synthesis of Nanomaterials Using Biological Routes
Part VII CO2 adsorption
21 Nanomaterials for Carbon Dioxide Adsorption
Part VIII Intelligent nanomaterials
22 Development of Intelligent Nanomaterials as a Strategy to Solve Environmental Problems
Part IX Desalination
23 Engineered Nanomaterials for Purification and Desalination of Palatable Water
Part X Nanocatalysis
24 Nanocatalytic Wastewater Treatment System for the Removal of Toxic Organic Compounds
25 Catalyst Design Based on Nano-Sized Inorganic Core of Enzymes: Design of Environmentally Friendly Catalysts
Part XI Nanosensors
26 Neutron-Fluence Nanosensors Based on Boron-Containing Materials
Part XII Nanoreservoirs for hydrogen storage
27 Hydrogen Nanoreservoirs made of Boron Nitride
Part XIII Fuel cells on nanomaterials basis
28 Fuel Cells with Nanomaterials for Ecologically Pure Transport
Part XIV Remediation of radionuclides
29 Humic Functional Derivatives and Nanocoatings for Remediation of Actinide-Contaminated Environments
Part XV Environmental risks and toxicity
30 Environmental Risks of Nanotechnology: Evaluating the Ecotoxicity
of Nanomaterials
31 Environmental Risk, Human Health, and Toxic Effects of Nanoparticles
32 Implications of the Use of Nanomaterials for Environmental Protection: Challenges in Designing Environmentally Relevant
Toxicological Experiments
Concluding Remarks
Author Index
Subject IndexFile Size: 20.3 MB. Pages: 594 Please read Disclaimer.
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