Inorganic Electrochemistry Theory, Practice and Application by Piro Zanello (informative)

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Authors of: Inorganic Electrochemistry Theory, Practice and Application by Piro Zanello
Piro Zanello
Table of Contents in Inorganic Electrochemistry Theory, Practice and Application by Piro Zanello
Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Electrode Reactions
1 Electron Transfer Reactions
2 Fundamentals of Electron Transfers at an Electrode
2.1 The Electrode/Solution System
2.2 The Nature of Electrode Reactions
2.3 The Current as a Measurement of the Rate of an Electrode Reaction
2.4 The Potential as a Measurement of the Energy of the Electrons Inside the Electrode
Current and Potential
3 Potential and Electrochemical Cells
4 Kinetic Aspects of the Electrode Reactions
4.1 Electron Transfer
4.1.1 A Deeper Insight into the Meaning of k”
4.1.2 Verification of the Theory Under Equilibrium Conditions
4.1.3 Further Considerations on the Fundamental Equation of the Electron Transfer Process. The Exchange Current
4.2 Mass Transport
Possible Ways to Move a Species
from the Bulk of the Solution
to the Electrode Surface 35
2.5 The Biunique Relationship Between
4.2.2 Linear Diffusion at a Planar Electrode
4.2.3 Spherical Diffusion
4.2.4 Concentration Profiles.
Cottrell Equation
4.3 Influence of Mass Transport
on Charge Transfer. Electrochemically
‘Reversible’ and ‘Irreversible’ Processes
5 Non-Faradaic Processes. Capacitive Currents
6 The Electrical Double Layer. A Deeper
6.1 The Kinetic Consequences of the Double
Layer Composition on the Electron
Chapter 2 Voltammetric Techniques
1 Cyclic Voltammetry
1.1 Reversible (Nernstian) Processes
1.1.1 Diagnostic Criteria to Identify
a Reversible Process
1.1.2 The Chemical Meaning of
an Electrochemically Reversible
1.2 Irreversible Processes
1.2.1 Diagnostic Criteria to Identify
an Irreversible Process
1.2.2 The Chemical Meaning
of an Electrochemically
Irreversible Process
1.3 Quasireversible Processes
1.3.1 Diagnostic Criteria to Identify
a Quasireversible Process
1.3.2 The Chemical Meaning
of an Electrochemically
Quasireversible Process
1.4 The Effect of Chemical Reactions
Coupled to Electron Transfers
1.4.1 Preceding Chemical Reactions
1.4.2 Following Chemical Reactions
1.4.3 A Chemical Reaction Interposed
Between Two Electron Transfers
1.4.4 Electrocatalysis
1.5 Consecutive Electron Transfer Processes
1.5.1 Two Reversible One-electron
1.5.2 Two One-electron Transfers with
Different Extents of Reversibility
1.6 Adsorption Processes
to Cyclic Voltammetry
2.1 Pulsed Voltammetric Techniques
2 Electrochemical Techniques Complementary
2.1.1 Differential Pulse Voltammetry
2.1.2 Square Wave Voltammetry
2.2 Hydrodynamic Techniques
2.3 Controlled Potential Electrolysis
2.4 Chronoamperometry
2.4.1 Coupled Chemical Reactions
Determination of the Number of
Electrons Involved in an Electron Transfer
Process from the Correlation Between Cyclic
Voltammetry and Chronoamperometry
Chapter 3 Basic Equipment for Electrochemical Measurements
1 Electrodes
1.1 Indicator Electrodes
1.2 Reference Electrodes
1.3 Auxiliary Electrodes
2.1 Cells for Cyclic Voltammetry
and Chronoamperometry
2.2 Cells for Controlled Potential Electrolysis
Solvents and Supporting Electrolytes
2 Electrochemical Cells
3 Solutions for Electrochemical Studies.
Chapter 4 The Electrochemical Behaviour of First Row
Transition Metal Metallocenes
1 Ferrocenes
1.1 Monoferrocenes
1.2 Ferrocenophanes
1.3 Olygoferrocene Derivatives
1.4 Ferrocene Polymers
1.4.1 Ferrocene-based Linear Polymers
1.4.2 Ferrocene-based Branched Polymers
1.5 Recent Applications of Ferrocenes
1.5.1 Ferrocenes as Electrochemical
1.5.2 Ferrocenes as Materials Displaying
“on-Linear Optical Properties’
2 Vanadocenes
3 Chromocenes
4 Manganocenes
5 Cobaltocenes
6 Nickelocenes
Chapter 5 The Electrochemical Behaviour of Transition
Metal Complexes
1 Vanadium Complexes
2 Chromium Complexes
3 Manganese Complexes
3.1 The Role of Manganese Complexes
in Photosynthesis
3.2 Tetranuclear Manganese Complexes
Modelling the Photosynthetic Water
Oxidation Site
3.2.1 Derivatives of Diamantoidal
3.2.2 Derivatives of Cuboidal Geometry
3.2.3 Derivatives of Planar Geometry
3.2.4 Derivatives of Butterfly Geometry
3.2.5 Derivatives of Linear Chain
3.2.6 Derivatives of Layered Geometry
The Role of Manganese Complexes
in Material Science Geometry
4 Iron Complexes
4.1 Intramolecular Electronic Communication
in Polynuclear Iron Complexes
5 Cobalt Complexes
5.1 Intramolecular Electronic Communication
in Polynuclear Cobalt Complexes
6 Nickel Complexes
7 Copper Complexes
8 Zinc Complexes
Chapter 6 Metal Complexes Containing Redox-active Ligands
1 Ferrocenes as Ligands in Metal Complexes
2 Fullerenes as Ligands in Metal Complexes
2.1 Intramolecular Electronic Communication
3 Dioxolenes (and Their Imino Analogues) and
Dithiolenes as Ligands in Metal Complexes
4 Porphyrins (and Tetraazaporphyrins)
as Ligands in Metal Complexes
5 Less Known Redox-active Ligands
in Metal Complexes
Subject Index
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