A Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Free Download A Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Authors of: A Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Robert Husted
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Table of Contents in A Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National Laboratory
A Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National Laboratory
1. Hydrogen
2. Helium
3. Lithium
4. Beryllium
5. Boron
6. Carbon
7. Nitrogen
8. Oxygen
9. Fluorine
10. Neon
11. Sodium
12. Magnesium
13. Aluminum
14. Silicon
15. Phosphorus
16. Sulfur
17. Chlorine
18. Argon
19. Potassium
20. Calcium
21. Scandium
22. Titanium
23. Vanadium
24. Chromium
25. Manganese
26. Iron
27. Cobalt
28. Nickel
29. Copper
30. Zinc
31. Gallium
32. Germanium
33. Arsenic
34. Selenium
35. Bromine
36. Krypton
37. Rubidium
38. Strontium
39. Yttrium
40. Zirconium
41. Niobium
42. Technetium
43. Ruthenium
44. Rhodium
45. Palladium
46. Silver
47. Cadmium
48. Indium
49. Tin
50. Antimony
51. Tellurium
52. Iodine
53. Xenon
54. Cesium
55. Barium
56. Lanthanum
57. Cerium
58. Praseodymium
59. Neodymium
60. Promethium
61. Samarium
62. Europium
63. Gadolinium
64. Terbium
65. Dysprosium
66. Holmium
67. Erbium
68. Thulium
69. Ytterbium
70. Lutetium
71. Hafnium
72. Tantalum
73. Tungsten
74. Rhenium
75. Osmium
76. Iridium
77. Platinum
78. Gold
79. Mercury
80. Thallium
81. Lead
82. Bismuth
83. Polonium
84. Astatine
85. Radon
86. Francium
87. Radium
88. Actinium
89. Thorium
90. Protactinium
91. Uranium
92. Neptunium
93. Plutonium
94. Americium
95. Curium
96. Berkelium
97. Californium
98. Einsteinium
99. Fermium
100. Mendelevium
101. Nobelium
102. Lawrencium
103. Rutherfordium
104. Hahnium
105. Meitnerium
106. Element 110
107. Element 111
108. Element 112
109. Mysterious Elements 114, 116, & 118
Element Listing
Tell us or ask us
What is the Periodic Table?
How to Use the Periodic Table
Nutshell Chemistry
Mendeleev’s Table
This periodic table book serves as a comprehensive guide to the fundamental organization of chemical elements, providing a wealth of information about each element’s properties, atomic structure, and relationships within the periodic table. These books are invaluable resources for students, educators, researchers, and anyone interested in the fascinating world of chemistry.
At its core, a periodic table book prominently features the periodic table itself, a tabular arrangement of elements based on their atomic number and chemical properties. Each element is represented by its symbol, atomic number, and atomic mass. The table is organized into rows (periods) and columns (groups), allowing users to discern patterns and trends in elemental behavior. In addition to the main table, these books often include expanded tables with additional details, such as electron configurations and common oxidation states.
Beyond the elemental arrangement, a periodic table book delves into the characteristics of individual elements. Each element typically has its dedicated page or section, offering details on its discovery, physical and chemical properties, historical significance, and common uses. This information may include the element’s appearance, melting and boiling points, density, and relevant isotopes.
Moreover, periodic table books often explore broader topics related to chemistry. They may discuss the principles of atomic structure, quantum mechanics, and the historical development of the periodic table. Readers can learn about the contributions of notable scientists, such as Mendeleev and Moseley, who played pivotal roles in shaping our understanding of the elements.
Modern periodic table books may also incorporate cutting-edge research and discoveries, showcasing recently synthesized elements and exploring the properties of exotic materials. Illustrations, diagrams, and photographs complement the textual content, aiding in the visualization of complex concepts.
In summary, a periodic table book is a multifaceted resource that combines the elegance of the periodic table with in-depth information about each element and broader concepts in chemistry. Whether used for educational purposes or casual exploration, these books provide a rich and engaging journey into the building blocks of matter.
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