Solid State Properties From Bulk to Nano by Mildred Dresselhaus 2018 (Informative)
Free download Solid State Properties From Bulk to Nano by Mildred Dresselhaus 2018
Authors of: Solid State Properties From Bulk to Nano by Mildred Dresselhaus 2018
Mildred Dresselhaus
Gene Dresselhaus
Stephen B. Cronin
Antonio Gomes Souza Filho
Table of Contents in Solid State Properties From Bulk to Nano by Mildred Dresselhaus 2018
Part I Electronic Structure
1 Crystal Lattices in Real and Reciprocal Space
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Crystalline Lattices: Real Space
1.2.1 Bravais Lattices
1.2.2 Unit Cells
1.3 Lattices in Reciprocal Space
1.3.1 Crystal Planes and Miller Indices
1.3.2 Reciprocal Lattice Vectors
1.4 The Brillouin Zone
1.4.1 Graphene and Boron Nitride
1.4.2 Diamond and Zinc Blende Lattices
2 Electronic Properties of Solids
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Hamiltonian of the System
2.3 The Electronic Problem
2.3.1 The Hartree Method
2.3.2 Hartree–Fock (HF) Method
2.3.3 Density Functional Theory
2.4 Plane Wave and Localized Basis Sets
2.5 Hamiltonian Matrix Elements
2.6 Bloch Functions
2.7 The Slater–Koster Approach
3 Weak and Tight Binding Approximations for Simple Solid State Models
3.1 Introduction
3.2 One Electron E(K) in Solids
3.2.1 Weak Binding or the Nearly Free Electron Approximation
3.2.2 Tight Binding Approximation
3.2.3 Comparison of Weak and Tight Binding Approximations
3.2.4 Tight Binding Approximation with 2 Atoms/Unit Cell
Suggested Reading
4 Examples of Energy Bands in Solids
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Metals
4.2.1 Alkali Metals–e.g., Sodium
4.2.2 Noble Metals
4.2.3 Polyvalent Metals
4.3 Semiconductors
4.3.1 PbTe
4.3.2 Germanium
4.3.3 Silicon
4.3.4 III–V Compound Semiconductors
4.3.5 Zero Gap Semiconductors – Gray Tin
4.3.6 Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Such as MoS2 and WS2
4.3.7 Molecular Semiconductors – Fullerenes
4.4 Semimetals
4.4.1 Graphene
4.4.2 Bismuth
4.5 Insulators
4.5.1 Rare Gas and Ionic Crystals
4.5.2 Boron Nitride
4.5.3 Wide Bandgap Semiconductors
Suggested Readings
5 Effective Mass Theory
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Wavepackets in Crystals and the Group Velocity of Electrons in Solids
5.3 The Effective Mass Theorem
5.4 Application of the Effective Mass Theorem to Donor Impurity Levels in a Semiconductor
5.5 Quasi-classical Electron Dynamics
5.6 Quasi-classical Theory of Electrical Conductivity – Ohm’s Law
Suggested Readings
6 Lattice Vibrations
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Quantum Harmonic Oscillators
6.3 Phonons in 1D Solids
6.3.1 A Monoatomic Chain
6.3.2 Diatomic Linear Chain
6.4 Phonons in 3D Crystals
6.5 Electron-Phonon Interaction
Part II Transport Properties
7 Basic Transport Phenomena
7.1 Introduction
7.2 The Boltzmann Equation
7.3 Electrical Conductivity
7.4 Electrical Conductivity of Metals
7.5 Electrical Conductivity of Semiconductors
7.5.1 Ellipsoidal Carrier Pockets
7.6 Electrons and Holes in Intrinsic Semiconductors
7.7 Donor and Acceptor Doping of Semiconductors
7.8 Characterization of Semiconductors
Suggested Readings
8 Thermal Transport
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Thermal Conductivity
8.2.1 General Considerations
8.2.2 Thermal Conductivity for Metals
8.2.3 Thermal Conductivity for Semiconductors
8.2.4 Thermal Conductivity for Insulators
8.3 Thermoelectric Phenomena
8.3.1 Thermoelectric Phenomena in Metals
8.3.2 Thermopower for Intrinsic Semiconductors
8.3.3 Effect of Thermoelectricity on the Thermal Conductivity
8.4 Thermoelectric Measurements
8.4.1 Seebeck Effect (Thermopower)
8.4.2 Peltier Effect
8.4.3 Thomson Effect
8.4.4 The Kelvin Relations
8.4.5 The Thermoelectric Figure of Merit
8.5 The Phonon Drag Effect
Suggested Readings
9 Electron and Phonon Scattering
9.1 Electron Scattering
9.2 Scattering Processes in Semiconductors
9.2.1 Electron-Phonon Scattering in Semiconductors
9.2.2 Ionized Impurity Scattering
9.2.3 Other Scattering Mechanisms
9.2.4 Screening Effects in Semiconductors
9.3 Electron Scattering in Metals
9.3.1 Electron-Phonon Scattering in Metals
9.3.2 Other Scattering Mechanisms in Metals
9.4 Phonon Scattering
9.4.1 Phonon-Phonon Scattering
9.4.2 Phonon-Boundary Scattering
9.4.3 Defect-Phonon Scattering
9.4.4 Electron-Phonon Scattering
9.5 Temperature Dependence of the Electrical and Thermal Conductivity
Suggested Readings
10 Magneto-Transport Phenomena
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Magneto-Transport in the Classical Regime (xcs < 1)
10.2.1 Classical Magneto-Transport Equations
10.2.2 Magnetoresistance
10.3 The Hall Effect
10.4 Derivation of the Magneto-Transport Equations from the Boltzmann Equation
10.5 Two Carrier Model
10.6 Cyclotron Effective Mass
10.7 Effective Masses for Ellipsoidal Fermi Surfaces
10.8 Dynamics of Electrons in a Magnetic Field
Suggested Readings
11 Transport in Low Dimensional Systems
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Observation of Quantum Effects in Reduced Dimensions
11.3 Density of States in Low Dimensional Systems
11.3.1 Quantum Dots
11.4 Ballistic Transport and the Landauer Formula
11.4.1 Relationship Between the Mean Free Path and the Transmission Coefficient
11.4.2 Relationship to the Boltzmann Transport
11.4.3 Relationship to Mobility Calculations
11.4.4 Dependence of the Fermi Energy on Gate Voltage
11.4.5 Ballistic Phonon Transport
11.5 Quantum Point Contacts (QPC) Effects
11.6 Coulomb Blockade and Single Electron Transistors (SETs)
12 Two Dimensional Electron Gas, Quantum Wells and Semiconductor Superlattices
12.1 Two-Dimensional Electronic Systems
12.3 Two-Dimensional Behavior
12.3.1 Quantum Wells and Superlattices
12.4 Bound Electronic States
12.5 Review of Tunneling Through a Potential Barrier
12.6 Quantum Wells of Different Shape and the WKB Approximation
12.7 The Kronig–Penney Model
12.8 3D Motion Within a 1–D Rectangular Well
12.9 Resonant Tunneling in Quantum Wells
Suggested Readings
13 Magneto-Oscillatory and Other Effects Associated with Landau Levels
13.1 Introduction to Landau Levels
13.2 Quantized Magnetic Energy Levels in 3D
13.2.1 Degeneracy of the Magnetic Energy Levels in kx
13.2.2 Dispersion of the Magnetic Energy Levels Along the Magnetic Field
13.2.3 Band Parameters Describing the Magnetic Energy Levels
13.3 Overview of Landau Level Effects
13.4 Quantum Oscillatory Magnetic Phenomena
13.5 Selection Rules for Landau Level Transitions
13.6 Landau Level Quantization for Large Quantum Numbers
Suggested Readings
14 The Quantum Hall Effect (QHE)
14.1 Introduction to the Quantum Hall Effect
14.2 Basic Relations for 2D Hall Resistance
14.3 The 2D Electron Gas and the Quantum Hall Effect
14.4 Effect of Edge Channels and the Quantum Field Effect
14.5 Precision of the Quantized Hall Effect and Applications
14.6 Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE)
Suggested Reading
Part III Optical Properties
15 Review of Fundamental Relations for Optical Phenomena
15.1 Introductory Remarks on Optical Probes
15.2 The Complex Dielectric Function and the Complex Optical Conductivity
15.2.1 Propagating Waves
15.3 Relation of the Complex Dielectric Function to Observables
15.4 Units for Frequency Measurements
Suggested Reading
16 Drude Theory–Free Carrier Contribution to the Optical Properties
16.1 The Free Carrier Contribution
16.2 Low Frequency Response: xs < 1
16.3 High Frequency Response: xs > 1
16.4 The Plasma Frequency
16.5 Plasmon Resonant Nanoparticles
16.6 Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Graphene
Suggested Readings
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