Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry by F.W. Fifield (amazing book)
Free download Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry by F.W. Fifield
5th Edition
Authors of: Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry by F.W. Fifield
F.W. Fifield
D. Kealey
Table of Contents in Principles and Practice of Analytical Chemistry by F.W. Fifield
1. Introduction
The Scope of Analytical Chemistry.
The Function of Analytical Chemistry. Analytical Problems and Their Solution.
The Nature of Analytical Methods.
Trends in Analytical Methods and Procedures.
Glossary of Terms.
2. The Assessment of Analytical Data
2.1 Definitions and Basic Concepts
2.2 The Nature and Origin of Errors
2.3 The Evaluation of Results and Methods
The Reliability of Measurements.
The Analysis of Data. The Application of Statistical Tests.
Limits of Detection.
Quality Control Charts.
Standardization of Analytical Methods.
3. pH, Complexation and Solubility Equilibria
3.1 Chemical Reactions in Solution
Equilibrium Constants. Kinetic Factors in Equilibria.
3.2 Solvents in Analytical Chemistry
Ionizing Solvents. Non-ionizing Solvents.
3.3 Acid–base Equilibria
Weak Acid and Weak Base Equilibria. Buffers and pH Control. The pH of Salt Solutions.
3.4 Complexation Equilibria
The Formation of Complexes in Solution. The Chelate Effect.
3.5 Solubility Equilibria
Solubility Products.
4. Separation Techniques
4.1 Solvent Extraction
Efficiency of Extraction.
Selectivity of Extraction. Extraction Systems.
Extraction of Uncharged Metal Chelates.
Methods of Extraction.
Applications of Solvent Extraction.
4.2 Solid Phase Extraction
Solid Phase Sorbents. Solid Phase Extraction Formats. Automated
Solid Phase Extraction. Solid Phase Microextraction. Applications
of SPE and SPME.
4.3 Chromatography
4.3.1 Gas Chromatography.
4.3.2 High Performance Liquid
4.3.3 Supercritical Fluid Chromatography.
4.3.4 Thin-layer Chromatography.
4.3.5 Ion-exchange Chromatography.
4.3.6 Size Exclusion Chromatography.
4.4 Electrophoresis
Factors Affecting Ionic Migration. Effect of Temperature. pH and
Ionic Strength. Electro-osmosis. Supporting Medium. Detection of
Separated Components. Applications of Traditional Zone
Electrophoresis. High-performance Capillary Electrophoresis.
Capillary Electrochromatography. Applications of Capillary
5. Titrimetry and Gravimetry
5.1 Titrimetry
Definitions. Titrimetric Reactions. Acid-base Titrations.
Applications of Acid–base Titrations. Redox Titrations.
Applications of Redox Titrations. Complexometric Titrations.
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA). Applications of EDTA
Titrations. Titrations with Complexing Agents Other Than EDTA.
Precipitation Titrations.
5.2 Gravimetry
Precipitation Reactions. Practical Gravimetric Procedures.
Applications of Gravimetry.
6. Electrochemical Techniques
6.1 Potentiometry
Electrode Systems. Direct Potentiometric Measurements.
Potentiometric Titrations. Null-point Potentiometry. Applications of Potentiometry.
6.2 Polarography, Stripping Voltammetry and Amperometric Techniques
Diffusion Currents. Half-wave Potentials. Characteristics of the
DME. Quantitative Analysis. Modes of Operation Used in
Polarography. The Dissolved Oxygen Electrode and Biochemical
Enzyme Sensors. Amperometric Titrations. Applications of
Polarography and Amperometric Titrations.
6.3 Electrogravimetry and Coulometry
Coulometry. Coulometry at Constant Potential. Coulometric Titrations. Applications of Coulometric Titrations.
6.4 Conductometric Titrations
Ionic Conductances.
7 An Introduction to Analytical Spectrometry
Electromagenetic Radiation. Atomic and Molecular Energy. The
Absorption and Emission of Electromagnetic Radiation. The
Complexity of Spectra and the Intensity of Spectral Lines.
Analytical Spectrometry. Instrumentation.
8 Atomic Spectrometry
8.1 Arc/Spark Atomic (Optical) Emission Spectrometry
Instrumentation. Sample Preparation. Qualitative and Quantitative
Analysis. Interferences and Errors Associated with the Excitation
Process. Applications of Arc/Spark Emission Spectrometry.
8.2 Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Instrumentation. Applications.
8.3 Plasma Emission Spectrometry
Instrumentation. Sample Introduction for Plasma Sources.
Analytical Measurements. Applications of Plasma Emission
8.4 Inductively Coupled Plasma–mass Spectrometry (ICP–MS)
Principles. Instrumentation. Applications.
8.5 Flame Emission Spectrometry
Instrumentation. Flame Characteristics. Flame Processes. Emission
Spectra. Quantitative Measurements and Interferenccs. Applications
of Flame Photometry and Flame Atomic Emission Spectrometry.
8.6 Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Absorption of Characteristic Radiation. Instrumentation. Sample
Vaporization. Quantitative Measurements and Interferences.
Applications of Atomic Absorption Spectrometry.
8.7 Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry
8.8 X-ray Emission Spectrometry
X-ray Processes. Instrumentation. Applications of X-ray Emission
9. Molecular Spectrometry
9.1 Visible and Ultraviolet Spectrometry
Polyatomic Organic Molecules. Metal Complexes. Qualitative
Analysis – The Identification of Structural Features. Quantitative
Analysis – Absorptiometry. Choice of Colorimetric and
Spectrophotometric Procedures. Fluorimetry. Applications of
UV/Visible Spectrometry and Fluorimetry.
9.2 Infrared Spectrometry
Diatomic Molecules. Polyatomic Molecules. Characteristic
Vibration Frequencies. Factors Affecting Group Frequencies.
Qualitative Anlaysis – The Identification of Structural Features.
Quantitative Analysis. Sampling Procedures. Near Infrared
Spectrometry. Applications of Infrared Spectrometry.
9.3 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometry
Instrumentation. The NMR Process. Chemical Shift. Spin–spin
Coupling. Carbon-13 NMR. Pulsed Fourier transform NMR (FTNMR). Qualitative Analysis – The Identification of Structural
Features. Quantitative Analysis. Applications of NMR
9.4 Mass Spectrometry
Instrumentation. Principle of Mass Spectrometry. Characteristics
and Interpretation of Molecular Mass Spectra. Applications of Mass
9.5 Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds
10. Radiochemical Methods in Analysis
10.1 Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions
Decay Reactions. The Kinetics of Decay Reactions. Bombardment
Reactions and the Growth of Radioactivity.
10.2 Instrumentation and Measurement of Radioactivity
Radiation Detectors. Some Important Electronic Circuits.
Autoradiography. The Statistics of Radioactive Measurements.
10.3 Analytical Uses of Radionucleides
Chemical Pathway Studies. Radioisotope Dilution Methods.
Radioimmunoassay. Radioactivation Analysis. Environmental
11. Thermal Techniques
12. Overall Analytical Procedures and Their Automation
13. The Role of Computers and Microprocessors in Analyatical Chemistry
Answers to Problems
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