Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions By Jagdamba Singh 3rd Revised Edition (informative)

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3rd Revised Edition
Authors of: Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions By Jagdamba Singh 3rd Revised Edition
Jagdamba Singh
Jaya Singh
Table of Contents in Photochemistry and Pericyclic Reactions By Jagdamba Singh 3rd Revised Edition
Preface to the Third Revised Edition
Preface to the First Edition
CHAPTER 1 Pericyclic Reactions
CHAPTER 2 Electrocyclic Reactions
CHAPTER 3 Cycloaddition Reactions
3.1 Introduction
CHAPTER 4 Sigmatropic Rearrangement
4.1 Introduction and Classification
4.1.1 Classification of Sigmatropic Rearrangements
4.1.2 Name of the Rearrangement
4.2 Mechanism of Sigmatropic Rearrangement
4.2.1 Sigmatropic Shifts ofAlkyl Group
4.2.2 Selection Rules for Sigmatropic Rearrangement.
4.3 Other Sigmatropic Shifts .
4.3.1 Cope Rearrangement
4.3.2 Claisen Rearrangement
CHAPITER 5 Group Transfer Reactions
CHAPITER 6 Introduction and Basic Principles of Photochemistry
6.5 Nomenclature of Excited States
6.6 The Fate ofthe Excited Molecule-Physical Processes: Jablonski Diagram
6.7 Photolytic Cleavage
6.8 Laws of Photochemistry.
6.8.1 Grotthurs-Drapper Law
6.8.2 Einstein’s Law of Photochemical Equivalence.
6.9 Quantum Yield or Quantum Efficiency.
6.9.1 The Reasons for High Quantum Yield
CHAPTER 7 Photochemistry of Carbonyl Compounds
7.1 a-Cleavage or Norrish Type I Process
7.1.1 Norrish Type I Process given by Acyclic Saturated Ketones
7.1.2 Norrish Type I Reaction of Saturated Cyclic Ketones
7.1.3 Norrish Type I Process given by Cyclopentanones
7.1.4 a-Cleavage given by Cyclobutanones
7.2 ~-Cleavage Reaction
7.3 Intramolecular Hydrogen Abstraction (y-Hydrogen Abstraction)
7.4 Hydrogen Abstraction from Other Sites
7.4.1 ~-HydrogenAbstraction
7.4.2 8- and £-Hydrogen Abstraction.
7.4.3 Hydrogen Abstraction from Distant Sites
7.5 Formatio~ of Photoenols or Photoenolisation
7.6 Intermolecular Hydrogen Transfer: Intermolecular Photo Reduction
7.7 Photocycloaddition Reaction (Patemo-Biichi Reaction)
7.7.1 Addition to Electron-Rich Alkenes
7.7.2 Addition to Electron Deficient Alkenes
CHAPTER 8 Photo Rearrangements
8.1 Photo Rearrangement of Cyclopentenone
8.2 Cyclohexanone Rearrangements.
8.2.1 Lumiketone Rearrangement
CHAPTER 9 Photo Reduction and Photo Oxidation
CHAPTER 10 Photochemistry of Alkenes, Dienes and Aromatic
10.1 Photochemistry of Alkenes
10.2 Cis-Trans Isomerisation of Alkenes
10.2.1 Cis-Trans Isomerisation ofAlkenes by Direct Irradiation
10.2.2 Sensitised Cis-Trans Isomerisation
10.3 Dimerisation ofAlkenes .
10.3.1 Intramolecular Dimerisation .
10.4 Photochemistry of Conjugated Dienes
10.4.1 Photochemistry of Conjugated Dienes in Solution
10.5 Photoisomerisation of Benzene and Substituted Benzene
10.5.1 1,2-Alkyl Shift.
10.5.2 Mechanism of 1, 3-Alkyl Group Shift
10.6 Photoaddition of Alkenes to Aromatic Benzenoid Compounds.
10.6.1 1,2-Cycloaddition Reactions.
10.6.2 1,3-Photoaddition of Benzene
10.6.3 1,4-Photoaddition of Benzenes
10.7 Addition ofOxygen
J.u.~ Aromatic Photosubstitution
10.8.1 Type A Reactions
10.8.2 ‘Type B Substitutions
10.8.3 Radical Substitutions
10.9 Photochemistry of Diazo Compounds
10.10 Photochemistry ofAzides
Glossary ”
Further Reading
CHAPTER 11 Photo Substitution Reactions at sps Hybrid Carbon
Having at Least One Hydrogen
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Barton Reaction ”
11.3 The Hoffmann Loeffler Freytag Reaction
11.4 Photolysis of Hypohalites.
Further Reading
CHAPTER 12 Photochemistry in Natural Products
12.1 Photo Rearrangement or Isomerisation
12.2 Photochemistry of Natural Products Containing Bicyclo [3, 1,0]
Hexane-2-0ne Residue
12.3 Photochemistry of Natural Products having~, y-Unsaturated
Ketone Group
12.4 Photochemistry of Natural Products having Epoxy Ketone System
12.5 Dye-Sensitised Photooxygenations
12.6 Photochemistry of Saturated Ketones
CHAPTER 13 Photochemistry in Nature and Applied
13.3 Photography
13.1 Photochemical Reactions in the Atmosphere
13.2 Chemistry ofVision :
13.4 Light-Absorbing Compounds
13.5 Photochromism
13.6 Photoinlaging
13.7 Photochemistry of Polymers
CHAPTER 14 Problems and Their Solutions
CHAPTER 15 Quenching of Excited States and Investigation of
Reaction Mechanism
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Quencher and Quenching of Excited States
15.2.1 Excimers
15.2.2 Exciplex
15.3 Quenching Processes and Quenching Mechanism.
15.3.1 Electron-transfer Quenching
15.3.2 Heavy Atom Quenching
15.3.3 Quenching by Molecular Oxyzen (Triplet State) and Paramagnetic Species
15.4 Electronic Energy Transfer
15.5 Investigation of Reaction Mechanism
15.6 Quantitative Methods
15.6.1 Identification of Products
15.6.2 Intermediates
15.7 Isotopic Labelling
15.8 Lowest Energy Excited State
15.9 Reactive Excited States
15.10 Quantitative Methods
15.10.1 Quantum Yield
15.10.2 Experimental Determination of the Quantum Yield
15.10.3 Procedure of Determining Quantum Yield of a Photochemical Reaction
15.11 Lifetime ofthe·Reaction Intermediate for Lifetime of the Excited State ..
15.12 Rate Constants and their Relation with the Lifetime of Reactive Excite
States (Triplet State)
15.13 Rate Constants and their Relation with the Lifetime of Reactive Singlet
Excited States
15.14 Determination of Rate Constants of Photochemical Reactions
15.14.1 Rate of Unimolecular Photochemical Reactions from Singlet Excited State
15.14.2 Rate of Unimolecular Photochenl~\:.i:ll Reactions from the
Triplet State .
15.14.3 Rate of Bimolecular Reaction from Triplet State .
15.15 Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photochemical Reactions .
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