General Chemistry Notes
Free Download General Chemistry Notes
Welcome! Here you will find General Chemistry Notes and Handouts for different levels i.e. School to University.
What is General Chemistry?
General chemistry is a course most often being taught at the school level and introductory university level. It is taught to produce a broad introduction and understanding of various concepts in chemistry. At the university level, it is also sometimes used as a “not a necessary” course for disciplines (sometimes related, sometimes not) which are deemed to require a high level of intellectual rigour or large course loads. It is also one among the few chemistry courses in most universities that doesn’t explicitly explore a specific discipline like inorganic, organic, physical chemistry or analytical chemistry.
General chemistry courses typically introduce concepts like stoichiometry, prediction of reaction products, thermodynamics, radiochemistry, nuclear and electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and lots of the rudiments of physical chemistry. Although the list of subjects and topics covered is usually large, leading some to criticize both the category and therefore the discipline as encouraging memorization, most general chemistry courses are firmly grounded in several fundamental physical rules that the first challenge is knowing when the rules and principles are applicable.
Click the Green Download Button below where you will find a number of typed Notes and Handouts relating to Analytical Chemistry, each having two download links.
1. Atomic Model
2. Atomic Structure
3. Balancing Equations Worksheet and Key
4. Chemistry 12 Class Support Material
5. d-Block Elements
6. Some Basic A Concepts And Mole Concept
7. Grade – 11 Chemistry HandBook
8. Grade – 12 Chemistry HandBook
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