GATE Chemistry Solved Papers by Dr. Sanjay Saxena & Preeti Gupta
Free Download GATE Chemistry Solved Papers by Dr. Sanjay Saxena & Preeti Gupta
GATE Chemistry Solved Papers by Dr. Sanjay Saxena & Preeti Gupta
Dr. Sanjay Saxena
Preeti Gupta
About this Book: An entrance test like GATE demands extensive knowledge and revision of the concepts covered under the GATE curriculum. GATE tests the in-depth knowledge and practical knowledge of varied concepts. We understand the importance of previous years’ solved papers in mastering the concepts covered the GATE Chemistry curriculum. GATE Chemistry Solved Papers by Dr. Sanjay Saxena & Preeti Gupta
The present book contains last 15 years’ (2000-2015) solved papers of GATE Chemistry. To familiarize the aspirants with the current trends of questions asked in the GATE Chemistry Examination, the book contains last six years’ (2012-2015) Solved Papers. A brief description about the syllabus as well as Recent Changes in GATE have given in the beginning of each chapter which will help the students to know what topics the chapter covers. The book has been divided into 10 chapters namely Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure, s-Block and p-Block Elements, Transition Elements, Chemical & Ionic Equilibrium, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Thermodynamics, Basics of Organic Reaction Mechanism and General Aptitude. The previous year questions divided into 1 Mark and 2 Marks Questions have been given chapter-wise and year-wise with detailed solutions at the end of every chapter. The book also contains three Mock Tests that will help the candidates to analyze the level of preparation for the upcoming GATE Chemistry examination.
With ample number of previous years’ solved questions, this book will help aspirants score high in the upcoming GATE Chemistry Examination. GATE Chemistry Solved Papers by Dr. Sanjay Saxena & Preeti Gupta
Table of Contents
- GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)
- Recent Changes in GATE
- Strategies to Crack GATE
- 9 Tips for a Successful Attempt
- GATE Syllabus
- Solved Papers (Online Set)
- Atomic Structure
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- s-Block and p-Block Elements
- Transition Elements
- Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Chemical Thermodynamics
- Basics of Organic Reaction Mechanism
- General Aptitude
- Practice Set – 1
- Practice Set – 2
- Practice Set – 3
File Size: 5.03 MB. Pages: 212. Please read Disclaimer.
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