Fundamental Concepts & MCQs in Chemistry by Dr. Muhammad Asif Hanif

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Fundamental Concepts & MCQs in Chemistry by Dr. Muhammad Asif Hanif

Fundamental Concepts & MCQs in Chemistry by Dr. Muhammad Asif Hanif

Free Download Fundamental Concepts & MCQs in Chemistry by Dr. Muhammad Asif Hanif

Fundamental Concepts & MCQs in Chemistry

Basic Concepts & 5000 Plus MCQs

Dr. Muhammad Asif Hanif
(PAS Gold Medalist)
Dr. Muhammad Irfan Majeed
Dr. Muhammad Zhid
Dr. Haq Nawaz

The Best books for Examination Preparation of Entry Tests, Competitive Examinations, Comprehensive examinations, Exit Tests, Public Service Examinations, International Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Teacher, Lecturers, Assistant Professors, NAT, GAT, CSS, PCS, FPSC and Post Graduate Examinations.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Analytical / Inorganic chemistry

  1. Principles of analytical chemistry
  2. Chromatography
  3. Instrumental methods of chemical analysis
  4. Elements and the periodic table
  5. Chemical bonding and molecular structure
  6. Acids, bases and salts
  7. s-Block elements
  8. p-Block elements
  9. d-Block elements
  10. f-Block elements

Part 2: Physical chemistry

  1. Fundamentals of physical chemistry
  2. Atomic structure and quantum chemistry
  3. States of matter
  4. Chemical thermodynamics
  5. Chemical equilibrium
  6. Chemical kinetics
  7. Colloids
  8. Electrochemistry
  9. Surface chemistry and photochemistry
  10. Nuclear chemistry
  11. Symmetry and spectroscopy
  12. Solution chemistry

Part 3: Organic chemistry

  1. Introduction to organic chemistry
  2. Nomenclature of organic compounds
  3. General concepts in organic chemistry
  4. Aliphatic hydrocarbons
  5. Aromatic hydrocarbons
  6. Alcohols, Diols and Triols
  7. Phenols
  8. Organic halogens
  9. Carboxylic acids
  10. Aldehydes and ketones
  11. Ethers and esters
  12. Spectroscopy

Part 4: Applied chemistry

Part 5: Environmental Chemistry

Part 6: General chemistry

File Size: 46.6 MB. Pages: 333. Please read Disclaimer.

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2 Responses

  1. Muhammad Rashid says:

    Not working

    • admin says:

      Hey! Thanks for letting us know. We have updated this link. All the problems on our website are fixed now. check it out and share this NEWS with your friends.

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