Electrolytes at Interfaces by S. Durand Vidal Volume 1

Free Download Electrolytes at Interfaces by S. Durand Vidal Volume 1
Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics
Volume 1
Authors of: Electrolytes at Interfaces by S. Durand Vidal Volume 1
S. Durand Vidal
J.-P. Simonin
P. Turq
Table of Contents in Electrolytes at Interfaces by S. Durand Vidal Volume 1
Aim and scope
I Basic Concepts
1 Hydrodynamic properties
1.1 Introduction
1.2 General aspects of hydrodynamics
1.3 Inviscid fluids
1.3.1 Time derivative of velocity
1.3.2 The Euler’s equation
1.3.3 Bernoulli’s theorem
1.3.4 Vorticity
1.4 Viscous incompressible fluids
1.4.1 Preliminary remarks
1.4.2 Microscopic origin of viscosity
1.4.3 Equation of motion of a viscous liquid
1.4.4 Dynamical similarity: the Reynolds number
1.5 The Stokes approximation
1.5.1 Flow due to a moving sphere at small Reynolds numbers
1.5.2 Velocity field around a sphere
1.6 Interaction between moving spheres
2 Electrostatics
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Electrostatic fields
2.3 Boundary conditions
2.4 Electric stress tensor
2.5 The Gouy-Chapman model of the diffuse layer
2.5.1 Diffuse layer near a plate
2.5.2 Diffuse layer around a sphere
2.5.3 Repulsion between charged plates
2.6 Repulsion between charged spheres
3 Van der Waals forces
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Interaction between polar molecules (small particles)
3.3 Interaction between surfaces (big particles)
II Bulk Electrolytes
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 The primitive model and Debye-Hückel (DH) theory
2 The mean spherical approximation (MSA) for the equal size primitive model
3 Thermodynamic properties
3.1 Variational derivation of the MSA
4 Ion association in the MSA
4.1 Chemical equilibrium in non ideal solutions: classical theory
5 Thermodynamic excess properties of ionic solutions in the primitive MSA
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Strong electrolytes in the MSA
5.3 Applications to experiment
5.3.1 Lewis-Randall and McMillan-Mayer description levels
5.3.2 Results
5.3.3 Particular features
6 Mathematical background
6.1 Integral and Fourier representation
6.2 Direct correlation functions in terms of
III Specific applications
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Structure determination
1.2.1 X-Ray techniques .130
1.2.2 EXAFS
1.2.3 Surface diffraction
1.2.4 Other in-situ methods
1.3 Theory
1.3.1 Exact results and theorems
1.3.2 The smooth interface
1.3.3 Adsorption at structured interfaces
1.4 Quantum mechanical treatment
1.4.1 Quantum mechanical treatment of the interface
1.4.2 Electrosorption on metal electrodes
1.4.3 Theoretical discussion of the electrosorption valency
1.4.4 Model Hamiltonian
2 Ions at liquid/air and liquid/liquid interfaces
2.1 Capillarity: basic concepts
2.1.1 Surface tension
2.1.2 The Gibbs dividing plane
2.1.3 Thermodynamics: the Gibbs equation
2.2 Theoretical descriptions
2.3 Experimental studies
2.3.1 Interfacial tension measurements
3 Solute transfer kinetics at a liquid/liquid interface 235
3.1 Basic aspects of the problem
3.2 Basic modelling of extraction process
3.3 Experimental techniques
3.3.1 Two categories
3.3.2 The techniques
3.4 Theoretical studies
3.4.1 Locale of the extraction reaction: interfacial vs. aqueous bulk chemical reaction
3.4.2 MTWCR model
3.4.3 Numerical studies
4 Electrokinetic phenomena
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Transport in ionic liquids
4.2.1 Limiting velocity
4.2.2 Diffusion
4.2.3 Flow of particles
4.3 Electrokinetic phenomena
4.3.1 Electroosmosis
4.3.2 Influence of boundary conditions
4.3.3 Streaming potential
4.3.4 Applications of electrokinetic phenomena
5 Description of electrolyte transport
5.1 General theory
5.2 Self-diffusion
5.3 Conductance of two simple ionic species
5.3.1 Relaxation
5.3.2 Electrophoretic effect
5.3.3 Expression of the conductance and comparison with experiment
5.4 Conductance… Case with three simple ionic species
5.4.1 Evaluation of the relaxation terms
5.4.2 Hydrodynamic correction
5.4.3 Explicit expression for the conductance and comparison with experiment
5.5 Conductance… Case of micellar systems
5.6 Acoustophoresis of simple salts
5.6.1 Debye’s treatment
5.6.2 Calculation of non ideal terms
6 Polyelectrolytes 331
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Counterion condensation
List of Figures
List of Tables
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