Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data By Mary Lee 6th Edition (highly informative)

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6th Edition
Authors of: Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data By Mary Lee 6th Edition
Mary Lee
Table of Contents in Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data By Mary Lee 6th Edition
This section expresses gratitude to the individuals and organizations that contributed to the creation of the work. It recognizes the collective effort of authors, researchers, editors, and collaborators who made this comprehensive guide possible.
The preface introduces the purpose, scope, and structure of the book. It outlines the focus on interpreting laboratory data, explaining foundational concepts, and applying diagnostic tools across diverse medical contexts. This section sets the tone for the subsequent chapters, emphasizing the importance of accurate lab data interpretation in clinical practice.
A detailed list of contributors highlights the diverse expertise of the professionals involved in creating this book. Their backgrounds in medicine, pharmacology, and diagnostics underscore the depth and reliability of the content provided.
Acknowledging the reviewers who critically evaluated the content ensures credibility and demonstrates a commitment to high standards. These experts provided valuable feedback to refine and enhance the material.
A comprehensive list of abbreviations used throughout the book is provided for ease of reference, ensuring clarity and accessibility for readers.
Part I: Basic Concepts and Test Interpretations
This foundational section introduces the core principles of laboratory diagnostics and provides essential tools for interpreting test results.
Chapter 1: Definitions and Concepts
Karen J. Tietze lays the groundwork by explaining key definitions and concepts related to laboratory testing. This chapter clarifies the terminology and frameworks necessary for understanding diagnostic procedures and test results.
Chapter 2: Introduction to Common Laboratory Assays and Technology
Nicholas M. Moore provides an overview of commonly used laboratory assays and diagnostic technologies. This chapter emphasizes the methodologies and instruments that support accurate and efficient testing in clinical settings.
Chapter 3: Primer on Drug Interferences with Test Results
Mary Lee discusses the potential impact of drugs on laboratory test outcomes. This chapter explores how medications can alter test results, emphasizing the need for awareness when interpreting diagnostic data.
Chapter 4: Point-of-Care Testing
Paul O. Gubbins and Heather Lyons-Burney focus on point-of-care testing (POCT), an essential tool for immediate diagnostic insights. This chapter highlights the benefits and challenges of POCT in various healthcare settings.
Chapter 5: Substance Abuse and Toxicological Tests
Peter A. Chyka examines toxicological tests used to detect substance abuse. This chapter details the methodologies for identifying drugs and toxins, aiding in diagnosis and treatment.
Chapter 6: Interpretation of Serum Drug Concentrations
Jaclyn A. Boyle, Riane J. Ghamrawi, and Janis J. MacKichan explore the interpretation of serum drug concentrations, guiding clinicians in optimizing therapeutic outcomes.
Chapter 7: Pharmacogenomics and Molecular Diagnostics
Amber L. Beitelshees and Rosane Charlab delve into the field of pharmacogenomics and molecular diagnostics. This chapter explains how genetic variations influence drug response and how molecular techniques are revolutionizing diagnostics.
Part II: System Disorders and Diagnostic Tests
This section focuses on laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures for specific organ systems and diseases.
Chapter 8: The Heart: Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures
Samir Y. Dahdal and Wafa Y. Dahdal provide a comprehensive overview of cardiac-related laboratory tests and diagnostic tools, including biomarkers and imaging.
Chapter 9: Lipid Disorders
Jill S. Borchert and Kathy E. Komperda discuss the diagnosis and management of lipid disorders, emphasizing tests to assess cholesterol, triglycerides, and lipoproteins.
Chapter 10: Endocrine Disorders
Eva M. Vivian explores the role of laboratory testing in diagnosing endocrine disorders, such as thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, and adrenal diseases.
Chapter 11: The Kidneys
Dominick P. Trombetta discusses tests to evaluate renal function, including creatinine, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
Chapter 12: Electrolytes, Other Minerals, and Trace Elements
Lingtak-Neander Chan focuses on tests to assess electrolytes and trace elements, critical for maintaining homeostasis and identifying metabolic imbalances.
Chapter 13: Arterial Blood Gases and Acid–Base Balance
Jeffrey F. Barletta explains the interpretation of arterial blood gases (ABG) and their role in assessing acid-base balance and respiratory function.
Chapter 14: Pulmonary Function and Related Tests
Lori A. Wilken and Min J. Joo cover tests that evaluate lung function, including spirometry, diffusion capacity, and imaging.
Chapter 15: Liver and Gastroenterology Tests
Paul Farkas, Joanna Sampson, Barry Slitzky, Brian Altman, Jason M. Altman, and Jamie Jensen discuss tests used to assess liver and gastrointestinal health, such as liver enzymes, bilirubin, and stool analysis.
Chapter 16: Hematology: Red and White Blood Cell Tests
Paul R. Hutson examines tests related to red and white blood cells, including complete blood counts (CBC) and differential counts.
Chapter 17: Hematology: Blood Coagulation Tests
Lea E. Dela Peña explores blood coagulation tests, such as prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and D-dimer.
Chapter 18: Infectious Diseases
Rodrigo M. Burgos, Sharon M. Erdman, and Keith A. Rodvold discuss laboratory tests for diagnosing infectious diseases, including cultures, serology, and molecular diagnostics.
Chapter 19: Rheumatologic Diseases
Susan P. Bruce and Terry L. Schwinghammer highlight tests for diagnosing autoimmune and rheumatologic conditions, such as rheumatoid factor (RF) and antinuclear antibodies (ANA).
Chapter 20: Cancers and Tumor Markers
Patrick J. Medina and Sarah A. Schmidt focus on laboratory markers for cancer diagnosis and monitoring, including PSA, CA-125, and alpha-fetoprotein.
Part III: Tests for Special Populations
This section addresses laboratory testing considerations for specific populations.
Chapter 21: Interpreting Pediatric Laboratory Data
Donna M. Kraus explores the unique aspects of pediatric laboratory testing, emphasizing age-specific reference ranges.
Chapter 22: Women’s Health
Candi C. Bachour and Candace S. Brown focus on diagnostic tests relevant to women’s health, such as hormone assays and pregnancy-related markers.
Chapter 23: Men’s Health
Mary Lee and Roohollah Sharifi discuss laboratory tests pertinent to men’s health, including prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and testosterone levels.
A glossary defines key terms and concepts to enhance reader understanding.
– Appendix A: Therapeutic ranges of drugs presented in both traditional and SI units.
– Appendix B: Reference ranges for common laboratory tests, aiding in interpretation across different measurement systems.
A detailed index facilitates quick access to specific topics and tests.
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