Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering By Richard C. Alkire Volume 9 (informative)

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Volume 9
Authors of: Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering By Richard C. Alkire Volume 9
Richard C. Alkire
Table of Contents in Advances in Electrochemical Science and Engineering By Richard C. Alkire Volume 9
Series Preface
Volume Preface
List of Contributors
1 In-situ X-ray Diffraction Studies of the Electrode/Solution Interface
Christopher A. Lucas and Nenad M. Markovic
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Experimental
1.3 Adsorbate-induced Restructuring of Metal Substrates
1.3.1 Surface Relaxation Pt Monometallic and Bimetallic Surfaces Group IB Metals
1.3.2 Surface Reconstruction
1.4 Adlayer Structures
1.4.1 Anion Structures
1.4.2 CO Ordering on the Pt(111) Surface
1.4.3 Underpotential Deposition (UPD)
1.5 Reactive Metals and Oxides
1.6 Conclusions and Future Directions
2 UV-visible Reflectance Spectroscopy of Thin Organic Films
at Electrode Surfaces
Takamasa Sagara
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Basis of UV-visible Reflection Measurement
at an Electrode Surface
2.3 Absolute Reflection Spectrum versus Modulated Reflection
2.4 Wavelength-modulated UV-visible Reflectance Spectroscopy
2.5 Potential-modulated UV-visible Reflectance Spectroscopy
2.6 Instrumentation of the Potential-modulated UV-visible Reflection
2.7 ER Measurements for Redox-active Thin Organic Films
2.8 Interpretation of the Reflection Spectrum
2.9 Reflection Measurement at Special Electrode Configurations
2.10 Estimation of the Molecular Orientation on the Electrode
2.10.1 Estimation of the Molecular Orientation on the Electrode Surface
using the Redox ER Signal
2.10.2 Estimation of the Molecular Orientation on the Electrode Surface
using the Stark Effect ER Signal
2.11 Measurement of Electron Transfer Rate using ER Measurement
2.11.1 Redox ER Signal in Frequency Domain
2.11.2 Examples of Electron Transfer Rate Measurement
using ER Signal
2.11.3 Improvement in Data Analysis
2.11.4 Combined Analysis of Impedance and Modulation Spectroscopic
2.11.5 Upper Limit of Measurable Rate Constant
2.11.6 Rate Constant Measurement using an ER Voltammogram
2.12 ER Signal Originated from Non-Faradaic Processes
– a Quick Overview
2.13 ER Signal with Harmonics Higher than the Fundamental Modulation
2.14 Distinguishing between Two Simultaneously Occurring Electrode
2.15 Some Recent Examples of the Application of ER Measurement
for a Functional Electrode
2.16 Scope for Future Development of UV-visible Reflection
2.16.1 New Techniques in UV-visible Reflection Measurements
2.16.2 Remarks on the Scope for Future Development
of UV-visible Reflection Measurements
3 Epi-fluorescence Microscopy Studies of Potential Controlled Changes
in Adsorbed Thin Organic Films at Electrode Surfaces
Dan Bizzotto and Jeff L. Shepherd
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Fluorescence Microscopy and Fluorescence Probes
3.3 Fluorescence near Metal Surfaces
3.4 Description of a Fluorescence Microscope for Electrochemical
3.4.1 Microscope Resolution
3.4.2 Image Analysis
3.5 Electrochemical Systems Studied with Fluorescence Microscopy 106
3.5.1 Adsorption of C18OH on Au(111)
3.5.2 The Adsorption and Dimerization of 2-(2 -Thienyl)pyridine (TP)
on Au(111)
3.5.3 Fluorescence Microscopy of the Adsorption of DOPC
onto an Hg Drop
3.5.4 Fluorescence Microscopy of Liposome Fusion onto a DOPC-coated
Hg Interface
3.5.5 Fluorescence Imaging of the Reductive Desorption of an Alkylthiol
SAM on Au
3.6 Conclusions and Future Considerations
Structures and Abbreviations
4 Linear and Non-linear Spectroscopy at the Electrified Liquid/Liquid
5 Sum Frequency Generation Studies of the Electrified Solid/Liquid
6 IR Spectroscopy of the Semiconductor/Solution Interface
7 Recent Advances in in-situ Infrared Spectroscopy and Applications
in Single-crystal Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis
8 In-situ Surface-enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy
of the Electrode/Solution Interface
9 Quantitative SNIFTIRS and PM IRRAS of Organic Molecules
at Electrode Surfaces
9.3 Optimization of Experimental Conditions
9.3.1 Optimization of the Angle of Incidence and the Thin-cavity
9.3.2 The Effect of Incident Beam Collimation
9.3.3 The Choice of the Optical Window Geometry and Material 331
9.4 Determination of the Angle of Incidence and the Thin-cavity
9.5 Determination of the Isotropic Optical Constants in Aqueous
9.6 Determination of the Orientation of Organic Molecules
at the Electrode Surface
9.7 Development of Quantitative SNIFTIRS
9.7.1 Description of the Experimental Set-up
9.7.2 Fundamentals of SNIFTIRS
9.7.3 Calculation of the Tilt Angle from SNIFTIRS Spectra
9.7.4 Applications of Quantitative SNIFTIRS
9.8 Development of Quantitative in-situ PM IRRAS
9.8.1 Introduction
9.8.2 Fundamentals of PM IRRAS and Experimental Set-up
9.8.3 Principles of Operation of a Photoelastic Modulator
9.8.4 Correction of PM IRRAS Spectra for the PEM
Response Functions
9.8.5 Background Subtraction
9.8.6 Applications of Quantitative PM IRRAS
9.9 Summary and Future Directions
10 Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy –
Recent Developments and Future Prospects
Bruno Pettinger
10.1 General Introduction
10.2 SERS at Well-defined Surfaces
10.3 Single-molecule Raman Spectroscopy
10.4 Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS)
10.4.1 Near-field Raman Spectroscopy with or without Apertures
10.4.2 First TERS Experiments
10.4.3 TERS on Single-crystalline Surfaces
10.5 Outlook
10.5.1 Recent Results
10.5.2 New Approaches on the Horizon
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