Physical Chemistry of Ionic Materials by Joachim Maier

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Physical Chemistry of Ionic Materials by Joachim Maier

Physical Chemistry of Ionic Materials by Joachim Maier

Free Download Physical Chemistry of Ionic Materials by Joachim Maier

Physical Chemistry of Ionic Materials: Ions and Electrons in Solids


Joachim Maier


The book that you are about to read is, in a broad sense, concerned with the physical chemistry of solids. More specifically, it deals with the ionic and electronic charge carriers in ionic solids. The latter species are the major players in the game when one attempts a detailed understanding or deliberate tuning of kinetic properties. The charge carriers that we refer to are not necessarily identical with the charged particles that constitute the solid, but rather with the effective particles that transport charge, i.e. in the case of ionic crystals the ionic point defects, in addition to excess electrons and holes. These ionic and electronic charge carriers constitute the redox and acid-base chemistry in the same way as is the case for aqueous solutions, they permit charge and matter transport to occur and are also reactive centers in the sense of chemical kinetics. This explains the central role of defect chemistry in this book. The more classical introductory chapters on chemical bonding, phonons, and thermodynamics of the perfect solid may, on one hand, be considered as preparation for the key chapters which deal with thermodynamics of the real solid, as well as with kinetics and electrochemistry both being unthinkable without the existence of defects; on the other hand, they provide the complement necessary for the book to serve as a textbook of physical chemistry of solids. (In fact, the different chapters correspond to classical fields of physical chemistry but referred to the solid state.) The structure of the book is expected to be helpful in view of the heterogeneity of the potential readership: This addresses chemists who traditionally consider solids from a static, structural point of view and often ignore the “internal life” enabled by defect chemistry, physicists who traditionally do not take pertinent account of composition as a state parameter, and materials scientists who traditionally concentrate on materials properties and may not adequately appreciate the basic role of electrochemistry.


Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Bonding aspects: From atoms to solid-state

3 Phonons

4 Equilibrium thermodynamics of the perfect solid

5 Equilibrium thermodynamics of the real solid

6 Kinetics and irreversible thermodynamics

7 Solid-state electrochemistry:

Measurement techniques and applications

8 Bibliography


File Size: 21.6 MB. Pages: 538. Please read Disclaimer.

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